[PATCH] Remove some modules obsoleted by the packaging module.

David Lehman dlehman at redhat.com
Tue Jan 8 20:48:17 UTC 2013

 pyanaconda/__init__.py              |    9 -
 pyanaconda/backend.py               |  208 ----
 pyanaconda/installclass.py          |    7 -
 pyanaconda/installclasses/fedora.py |    1 -
 pyanaconda/installmethod.py         |    1 -
 pyanaconda/packages.py              |  148 ---
 pyanaconda/yuminstall.py            | 1973 -----------------------------------
 7 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2347 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pyanaconda/backend.py
 delete mode 100644 pyanaconda/packages.py
 delete mode 100644 pyanaconda/yuminstall.py

diff --git a/pyanaconda/__init__.py b/pyanaconda/__init__.py
index 6c9e4d7..0b88edf 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/__init__.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/__init__.py
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ class Anaconda(object):
         import desktop
         from flags import flags
-        self._backend = None
         self._bootloader = None
         self.canReIPL = False
         self.desktop = desktop.Desktop()
@@ -84,14 +83,6 @@ class Anaconda(object):
         self.xdriver = None
-    def backend(self):
-        if not self._backend:
-            b = self.instClass.getBackend()
-            self._backend = apply(b, (self, ))
-        return self._backend
-    @property
     def bootloader(self):
         if not self._bootloader:
             self._bootloader = self.platform.bootloaderClass(self.platform)
diff --git a/pyanaconda/backend.py b/pyanaconda/backend.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3e6c1..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/backend.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# backend.py: Interface for installation backends
-# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author(s): Paul Nasrat <pnasrat at redhat.com>
-#            Jeremy Katz <katzj at redhat.com>
-import glob
-import shutil
-import iutil
-import os, sys
-import logging
-from constants import *
-import isys
-import kickstart
-import packages
-import storage
-from flags import flags
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-class AnacondaBackend:
-    def __init__(self, anaconda):
-        """Abstract backend class all backends should inherit from this
-           @param instPath: root path for the installation to occur"""
-        self.anaconda = anaconda
-        self.instPath = ROOT_PATH
-        self.instLog = None
-        self.modeText = ""
-        # some backends may not support upgrading
-        self.supportsUpgrades = True
-        self.supportsPackageSelection = False
-        # some backends may have a special case for rootfs formatting
-        # FIXME: we should handle this a little more elegantly
-        self.skipFormatRoot = False
-    def postAction(self, anaconda):
-        pass
-    def doPreSelection(self, intf, id, instPath):
-        pass
-    def doPostSelection(self, anaconda):
-        pass
-    def doPreInstall(self, anaconda):
-        self.initLog(ROOT_PATH)
-    def copyFirmware(self):
-        # Multiple driver disks may be loaded, so we need to glob for all
-        # the firmware files in the common DD firmware directory
-        for f in glob.glob(DD_FIRMWARE+"/*"):
-            try:
-                shutil.copyfile(f, "%s/lib/firmware/" % ROOT_PATH)
-            except IOError as e:
-                log.error("Could not copy firmware file %s: %s" % (f, e.strerror))
-    def doPostInstall(self, anaconda):
-        #always copy the firmware files from DD
-        self.copyFirmware()
-        if anaconda.extraModules:
-            for (n, arch, tag) in self.kernelVersionList():
-                packages.recreateInitrd(n, ROOT_PATH)
-        #copy RPMS
-        for d in glob.glob(DD_RPMS):
-            shutil.copytree(d, ROOT_PATH + "/root/" + os.path.basename(d))
-        #copy modules and firmware
-        if os.path.exists(DD_ALL):
-            try:
-                shutil.copytree(DD_ALL, ROOT_PATH + "/root/DD")
-            except IOError as e:
-                pass
-        storage.writeEscrowPackets(anaconda)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-    def doInstall(self, anaconda):
-        log.warning("doInstall not implemented for backend!")
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def initLog(self, instPath):
-        if not os.path.isdir(instPath + "/root"):
-            iutil.mkdirChain(instPath + "/root")
-        if self.anaconda.upgrade:
-            logname = '/root/upgrade.log'
-        else:
-            logname = '/root/install.log'
-        instLogName = instPath + logname
-        try:
-            shutil.rmtree (instLogName)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        self.instLog = open(instLogName, "w+")
-        syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname)
-        try:
-            shutil.rmtree (syslogname)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        if self.anaconda.upgrade:
-            self.modeText = _("%s Upgrading %s\n")
-        else:
-            self.modeText = _("%s Installing %s\n")
-    def kernelVersionList(self):
-        return []
-    def getMinimumSizeMB(self, part):
-        """Return the minimal size for part in megabytes if we can."""
-        return 0
-    def doBackendSetup(self, anaconda):
-        log.warning("doBackendSetup not implemented for backend!")
-    def groupExists(self, group):
-        log.warning("groupExists not implemented for backend!")
-        return True
-    def selectGroup(self, group, *args):
-        log.warning("selectGroup not implemented for backend!")
-    def deselectGroup(self, group, *args):
-        log.warning("deselectGroup not implemented for backend!")
-    def packageExists(self, pkg):
-        log.warning("packageExists not implemented for backend!")
-        return True
-    def selectPackage(self, pkg, *args):
-        log.warning("selectPackage not implemented for backend!")
-    def deselectPackage(self, pkg, *args):
-        log.warning("deselectPackage not implemented for backend!")
-    def getDefaultGroups(self, anaconda):
-        log.warning("getDefaultGroups not implemented for backend!")
-        return []
-    def resetPackageSelections(self):
-        # we just leave this one unimplemented if it's not needed
-        pass
-    # write out any config files that live on the installed system
-    # (e.g., /etc/yum.repos.d/* files)
-    def writeConfiguration(self):
-        log.warning("writeConfig not implemented for backend!")
-    def complete(self, anaconda):
-        pass
-def doBackendSetup(anaconda):
-    if anaconda.backend.doBackendSetup(anaconda) == DISPATCH_BACK:
-        return DISPATCH_BACK
-def doPostSelection(anaconda):
-    return anaconda.backend.doPostSelection(anaconda)
-def doPreInstall(anaconda):
-    anaconda.backend.doPreInstall(anaconda)
-def doPostInstall(anaconda):
-    anaconda.backend.doPostInstall(anaconda)
-def doInstall(anaconda):
-    return anaconda.backend.doInstall(anaconda)
-# does this need to be per-backend?  we'll just leave here until it does :)
-def doBasePackageSelect(anaconda):
-    if anaconda.ksdata:
-        anaconda.backend.resetPackageSelections()
-        kickstart.selectPackages(anaconda)
-    elif anaconda.displayMode != 't':
-        anaconda.backend.resetPackageSelections()
-        anaconda.instClass.setPackageSelection(anaconda)
-        anaconda.instClass.setGroupSelection(anaconda)
-def writeConfiguration(anaconda):
-    log.info("Writing main configuration")
-    anaconda.write()
-    anaconda.backend.writeConfiguration()
diff --git a/pyanaconda/installclass.py b/pyanaconda/installclass.py
index 59dfea0..d2db13f 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/installclass.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/installclass.py
@@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ class BaseInstallClass(object):
         return self._l10n_domain
-    def postAction(self, anaconda):
-        anaconda.backend.postAction(anaconda)
     # modifies the uri from installmethod.getMethodUri() to take into
     # account any installclass specific things including multiple base
     # repositories.  takes a string or list of strings, returns a dict
@@ -94,10 +91,6 @@ class BaseInstallClass(object):
     def setPackageSelection(self, anaconda):
-    def setGroupSelection(self, anaconda):
-        grps = anaconda.backend.getDefaultGroups(anaconda)
-        map(lambda x: anaconda.backend.selectGroup(x), grps)
     def getBackend(self):
         # The default is to return None here, which means anaconda should
         # use live or yum (whichever can be detected).  This method is
diff --git a/pyanaconda/installclasses/fedora.py b/pyanaconda/installclasses/fedora.py
index 013b9ed..da61683 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/installclasses/fedora.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/installclasses/fedora.py
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ class InstallClass(BaseInstallClass):
     def setGroupSelection(self, anaconda):
         BaseInstallClass.setGroupSelection(self, anaconda)
-        map(lambda x: anaconda.backend.selectGroup(x), ["core"])
     def productMatches(self, oldprod):
         if oldprod is None:
diff --git a/pyanaconda/installmethod.py b/pyanaconda/installmethod.py
index b6e089a..3a737f4 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/installmethod.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/installmethod.py
@@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ def doMethodComplete(anaconda):
     dev = _ejectDevice()
     if dev:
-    anaconda.backend.complete(anaconda)
diff --git a/pyanaconda/packages.py b/pyanaconda/packages.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 360451a..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/packages.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# packages.py: package management - mainly package installation
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006  Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author(s): Erik Troan <ewt at redhat.com>
-#            Matt Wilson <msw at redhat.com>
-#            Michael Fulbright <msf at redhat.com>
-#            Jeremy Katz <katzj at redhat.com>
-import iutil
-import os
-import sys
-import shutil
-from flags import flags
-from constants import *
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-def doPostAction(anaconda):
-    anaconda.instClass.postAction(anaconda)
-def setupTimezone(anaconda):
-    # we don't need this on an upgrade or going backwards
-    if anaconda.upgrade or flags.imageInstall or anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-        return
-    os.environ["TZ"] = anaconda.ksdata.timezone.timezone
-    tzfile = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + anaconda.ksdata.timezone.timezone
-    tzlocalfile = "/etc/localtime"
-    if not os.access(tzfile, os.R_OK):
-        log.error("unable to set timezone")
-    else:
-        try:
-            os.remove(tzlocalfile)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            shutil.copyfile(tzfile, tzlocalfile)
-        except OSError as e:
-            log.error("Error copying timezone (from %s): %s" %(tzfile, e.strerror))
-    if iutil.isS390():
-        return
-    args = [ "--hctosys" ]
-    if anaconda.ksdata.timezone.isUtc:
-        args.append("-u")
-    try:
-        iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/hwclock", args, stdin = None,
-                               stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5")
-    except RuntimeError:
-        log.error("Failed to set clock")
-# FIXME: using rpm directly here is kind of lame, but in the yum backend
-# we don't want to use the metadata as the info we need would require
-# the filelists.  and since we only ever call this after an install is
-# done, we can be guaranteed this will work.  put here because it's also
-# used for livecd installs
-def rpmKernelVersionList():
-    import rpm
-    def get_version(header):
-        for f in header['filenames']:
-            if f.startswith('/boot/vmlinuz-'):
-                return f[14:]
-            elif f.startswith('/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz-'):
-                return f[29:]
-        return ""
-    def get_tag(header):
-        if header['name'] == "kernel":
-            return "base"
-        elif header['name'].startswith("kernel-"):
-            return header['name'][7:]
-        return ""
-    versions = []
-    iutil.resetRpmDb()
-    ts = rpm.TransactionSet(ROOT_PATH)
-    mi = ts.dbMatch('provides', 'kernel')
-    for h in mi:
-        v = get_version(h)
-        tag = get_tag(h)
-        if v == "" or tag == "":
-            log.warning("Unable to determine kernel type/version for %s-%s-%s.%s" %(h['name'], h['version'], h['release'], h['arch'])) 
-            continue
-        # rpm really shouldn't return the same kernel more than once... but
-        # sometimes it does (#467822)
-        if (v, h['arch'], tag) in versions:
-            continue
-        versions.append( (v, h['arch'], tag) )
-    return versions
-def rpmSetupGraphicalSystem(anaconda):
-    import rpm
-    iutil.resetRpmDb()
-    ts = rpm.TransactionSet(ROOT_PATH)
-    # Only add "rhgb quiet" on non-s390, non-serial installs
-    if iutil.isConsoleOnVirtualTerminal() and \
-       (ts.dbMatch('provides', 'rhgb').count() or \
-        ts.dbMatch('provides', 'plymouth').count()):
-        anaconda.bootloader.boot_args.update(["rhgb", "quiet"])
-    if ts.dbMatch('provides', 'service(graphical-login)').count() and \
-       ts.dbMatch('provides', 'xorg-x11-server-Xorg').count() and \
-       anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and not flags.usevnc:
-        anaconda.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(5)
-#Recreate initrd for use when driver disks add modules
-def recreateInitrd (kernelTag, instRoot):
-    log.info("recreating initrd for %s" % (kernelTag,))
-    iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/new-kernel-pkg",
-                           [ "--mkinitrd", "--dracut", "--depmod", "--install", kernelTag ],
-                           stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/null",
-                           root = instRoot)
-def doReIPL(anaconda):
-    if not iutil.isS390() or anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-        return DISPATCH_DEFAULT
-    anaconda.reIPLMessage = iutil.reIPL(anaconda, os.getppid())
diff --git a/pyanaconda/yuminstall.py b/pyanaconda/yuminstall.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aef7e8f..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/yuminstall.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1973 +0,0 @@
-# yuminstall.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007  Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import ConfigParser
-import sys
-import os
-import os.path
-import shutil
-import time
-import types
-import locale
-import glob
-import tempfile
-import itertools
-import re
-class NoSuchGroup(Exception):
-    pass
-from flags import flags
-import anaconda_log
-import rpm
-import rpmUtils
-import urlgrabber.progress
-import urlgrabber.grabber
-from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber, URLGrabError
-import yum
-import iniparse
-from yum.constants import *
-from yum.Errors import *
-from yum.misc import to_unicode
-from yum.yumRepo import YumRepository
-from product import isFinal, productName, productVersion, productStamp
-from constants import *
-from image import *
-import packages
-from backend import AnacondaBackend
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-P_ = lambda x, y, z: gettext.ldngettext("anaconda", x, y, z)
-import network
-# specspo stuff
-rpm.addMacro("_i18ndomains", "redhat-dist")
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-import urlparse
-urlgrabber.grabber.default_grabber.opts.user_agent = "%s (anaconda)/%s" %(productName, productVersion)
-import iutil
-import isys
-class NoSuchGroup(Exception):
-    pass
-def size_string (size):
-    def number_format(s):
-        return locale.format("%s", s, 1)
-    retval = None
-    if size > 1024 * 1024:
-        size = size / (1024*1024)
-        retval = _("%s MB") %(number_format(size),)
-    elif size > 1024:
-        size = size / 1024
-        retval = _("%s KB") %(number_format(size),)
-    else:
-        retval = P_("%s Byte", "%s Bytes", size) % (number_format(size),)
-    return to_unicode(retval)
-class AnacondaCallback:
-    def __init__(self, ayum, anaconda, instLog, modeText):
-        self.anaconda = anaconda
-        self.repos = ayum.repos
-        self.ts = ayum.ts
-        self.ayum = ayum
-        self.messageWindow = anaconda.intf.messageWindow
-        self.progress = anaconda.intf.instProgress
-        self.progressWindowClass = anaconda.intf.progressWindow
-        self.rootPath = ROOT_PATH
-        self.initWindow = None
-        self.progressWindow = None
-        self.lastprogress = 0
-        self.incr = 20
-        self.instLog = instLog
-        self.modeText = modeText
-        self.openfile = None
-        self.inProgressPo = None
-    def setSizes(self, numpkgs, totalSize, totalFiles):
-        self.numpkgs = numpkgs
-        self.totalSize = totalSize
-        self.totalFiles = totalFiles
-        self.donepkgs = 0
-        self.doneSize = 0
-    def callback(self, what, amount, total, h, user):
-        if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START:
-            # step 6 is the bulk of the ts processing time
-            if amount == 6:
-                self.progressWindow = \
-                    self.progressWindowClass (_("Preparing to install"),
-                                              _("Preparing transaction from installation source"),
-                                              total)
-                self.incr = total / 10
-        if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS:
-            if self.progressWindow and amount > self.lastprogress + self.incr:
-                self.progressWindow.set(amount)
-                self.lastprogress = amount
-        if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow:
-            self.progressWindow.pop()
-        if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE:
-            # Old-style (hdr, path) callback
-            if isinstance(h, types.TupleType):
-                (hdr, rpmloc) = h
-                # hate hate hate at epochs...
-                epoch = hdr['epoch']
-                if epoch is not None:
-                    epoch = str(epoch)
-                txmbrs = self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(hdr['name'], hdr['arch'],
-                                                     epoch, hdr['version'],
-                                                     hdr['release'])
-                if len(txmbrs) == 0:
-                    raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find package %s-%s-%s.%s" %(hdr['name'], hdr['version'], hdr['release'], hdr['arch'])
-                po = txmbrs[0].po
-            # New-style callback, h is our txmbr
-            else:
-                po = h.po
-            repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
-            pkgStr = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (po.name, po.version, po.release, po.arch)
-            if self.anaconda.upgrade:
-                s = to_unicode(_("<b>Upgrading %(pkgStr)s</b> (%(size)s)\n")) \
-                    % {'pkgStr': pkgStr, 'size': size_string(po.installedsize)}
-            else:
-                s = to_unicode(_("<b>Installing %(pkgStr)s</b> (%(size)s)\n")) \
-                    % {'pkgStr': pkgStr, 'size': size_string(po.installedsize)}
-            summary = to_unicode(gettext.ldgettext("redhat-dist", po.summary) or "")
-            s += summary.strip()
-            self.progress.set_label(s)
-            self.instLog.write(self.modeText % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), str(pkgStr)))
-            self.instLog.flush()
-            self.openfile = None
-            while self.openfile is None:
-                try:
-                    fn = repo.getPackage(po)
-                    f = open(fn, 'r')
-                    self.openfile = f
-                except (yum.Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, IOError):
-                    self.ayum._handleFailure(po)
-                except yum.Errors.RepoError:
-                    continue
-            self.inProgressPo = po
-            return self.openfile.fileno()
-        elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE:
-            if self.initWindow:
-                self.initWindow.pop()
-                self.initWindow = None
-            fn = self.openfile.name
-            self.openfile.close()
-            self.openfile = None
-            if os.path.dirname(fn).startswith("%s/var/cache/yum/" % self.rootPath):
-                try:
-                    os.unlink(fn)
-                except OSError as e:
-                    log.debug("unable to remove file %s" %(e.strerror,))
-            self.donepkgs += 1
-            self.doneSize += self.inProgressPo.returnSimple("installedsize") / 1024.0
-            if self.donepkgs <= self.numpkgs:
-                self.progress.set_text(P_("Packages completed: "
-                                          "%(donepkgs)d of %(numpkgs)d",
-                                          "Packages completed: "
-                                          "%(donepkgs)d of %(numpkgs)d",
-                                          self.numpkgs)
-                                       % {'donepkgs': self.donepkgs,
-                                          'numpkgs': self.numpkgs})
-            self.progress.set_fraction(float(self.doneSize / self.totalSize))
-            self.progress.processEvents()
-            self.inProgressPo = None
-        elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START:
-            self.progress.set_text("")
-            self.progress.set_label(_("<b>Cleaning up %s</b>" % h))
-        elif what in (rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR,
-                      rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR,
-                      rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR):
-            # If this is a cleanup/remove, then h is just a string.
-            # A tuple h means old-style (hdr, path) yum callback,
-            # otherwise it's a new-style txmbr callback.
-            if isinstance(h, basestring):
-                name = h
-            elif isinstance(h, types.TupleType):
-                name = h[0]['name']
-            else:
-                name = h.name
-            # Script errors store whether or not they're fatal in "total".  So,
-            # we should only error out for fatal script errors or the cpio and
-            # unpack problems.
-            if what != rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR or total:
-                if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR:
-                    error_type = _("cpio")
-                elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR:
-                    error_type = _("unpack")
-                else:
-                    error_type = _("script")
-                self.messageWindow(_("Error Installing Package"),
-                    _("A %s error occurred when installing the %s "
-                      "package.  This could indicate errors when reading "
-                      "the installation media.  Installation cannot "
-                      "continue.") % (error_type, name),
-                    type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                    custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                sys.exit(1)
-        if self.initWindow is None:
-            self.progress.processEvents()
-class AnacondaYumRepo(YumRepository):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        YumRepository.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        self.enablegroups = True
-        self.sslverify = True
-        self._anacondaBaseURLs = []
-        self.proxy_url = None
-    def needsNetwork(self):
-        def _isURL(s):
-            return s.startswith("http") or s.startswith("ftp")
-        if len(self.baseurl) > 0:
-            return len(filter(lambda s: _isURL(s), self.baseurl)) > 0
-        elif self.mirrorlist:
-            return _isURL(self.mirrorlist)
-        else:
-            return False
-    def dirCleanup(self):
-        cachedir = self.getAttribute('cachedir')
-        if os.path.isdir(cachedir):
-            if not self.needsNetwork() or self.name == "Installation Repo" or self.id.startswith("anaconda-"):
-                shutil.rmtree(cachedir)
-            else:
-                if os.path.exists("%s/headers" % cachedir):
-                    shutil.rmtree("%s/headers" % cachedir)
-                if os.path.exists("%s/packages" % cachedir):
-                    shutil.rmtree("%s/packages" % cachedir)
-    # needed to store nfs: repo url that yum doesn't know
-    def _getAnacondaBaseURLs(self):
-        return self._anacondaBaseURLs or self.baseurl or [self.mirrorlist]
-    def _setAnacondaBaseURLs(self, value):
-        self._anacondaBaseURLs = value
-    anacondaBaseURLs = property(_getAnacondaBaseURLs, _setAnacondaBaseURLs,
-                                doc="Extends AnacondaYum.baseurl to store non-yum urls:")
-class AnacondaYum(yum.YumBase):
-    def __init__(self, anaconda):
-        yum.YumBase.__init__(self)
-        self.anaconda = anaconda
-        self._timestamp = None
-        self.repoIDcounter = itertools.count()
-        # Only needed for hard drive and nfsiso installs.
-        self.isodir = None
-        # Only needed for media installs.
-        self.mediagrabber = None
-        # Where is the source media mounted?  This is the directory
-        # where Packages/ is located.
-        self.tree = "/mnt/install/source"
-        if hasattr(self, "use_txmbr_in_callback"):
-            log.debug("enabling new callback mode")
-            self.use_txmbr_in_callback = True
-        self.macros = {}
-        if flags.selinux:
-            for directory in ("/tmp/updates",
-                        "/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files",
-                        "/etc/security/selinux/src/policy/file_contexts",
-                        "/etc/security/selinux"):
-                fn = "%s/file_contexts" %(directory,)
-                if os.access(fn, os.R_OK):
-                    break
-            self.macros["__file_context_path"] = fn
-        else:
-            self.macros["__file_context_path"]  = "%{nil}"
-        self.updates = []
-        self.localPackages = []
-        # Parse proxy values from anaconda
-        self.proxy = None
-        self.proxy_url = None
-        self.proxy_username = None
-        self.proxy_password = None
-        if self.anaconda.proxy:
-            self.setProxy(self.anaconda, self)
-    def setup(self):
-        # yum doesn't understand all our method URLs, so use this for all
-        # except FTP and HTTP installs.
-        self._baseRepoURL = "file://%s" % self.tree
-        while True:
-            try:
-                self.configBaseURL()
-                break
-            except SystemError as exception:
-                self.anaconda.methodstr = self.anaconda.intf.methodstrRepoWindow(self.anaconda.methodstr or "cdrom:",
-                                                                                 exception)
-        self.doConfigSetup(root=ROOT_PATH)
-        if not self.anaconda.bootloader.update_only:
-            self.conf.installonlypkgs = []
-    def _mountInstallCD(self):
-        if os.access("%s/.discinfo" % self.tree, os.R_OK):
-            f = open("%s/.discinfo" % self.tree)
-            self._timestamp = f.readline().strip()
-            f.close()
-        dev = self.anaconda.storage.devicetree.getDeviceByName(self.anaconda.mediaDevice)
-        dev.format.mountpoint = self.tree
-        # See if there's any media mounted on self.tree before continuing.
-        # This saves a useless eject and insert if the user has already put
-        # the disc in the drive.
-        if not self.anaconda.storage.fsset.mountpoints.has_key(self.tree):
-            try:
-                dev.format.mount()
-                if verifyMedia(self.tree, None):
-                    return
-                dev.format.unmount()
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-        else:
-            if verifyMedia(self.tree, None):
-                return
-        dev.format.unmount()
-        log.error("Wrong disc found on %s" % (self.tree))
-        if self.anaconda.intf:
-            self.anaconda.intf.beep()
-            self.messageWindow(_("Wrong Disc"),
-                _("That's not the correct %s disc.") % (productName),
-                type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-        sys.exit(1)
-    def _mountInstallImage(self):
-        umountImage(self.tree)
-        # mountDirectory checks before doing anything, so it's safe to
-        # call this repeatedly.
-        mountDirectory(self.anaconda.methodstr, self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow)
-        mountImage(self.isodir, self.tree, self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow)
-    def configBaseURL(self):
-        # We only have a methodstr if method= or repo= was passed to
-        # anaconda.  No source for this base repo (the CD media, NFS,
-        # whatever) is mounted yet since initramfs only mounts the source
-        # for the stage2 image.  We need to set up the source mount
-        # now.
-        # methodstr == cdrom is a special case, meaning the first cdrom found
-        # by scanning or previously mounted as the install source.
-        if flags.cmdline.has_key("preupgrade"):
-            path = "/var/cache/yum/preupgrade"
-            self.anaconda.methodstr = "hd::%s" % path 
-            self._baseRepoURL = "file:///mnt/sysimage/%s" % path
-        elif self.anaconda.methodstr and self.anaconda.methodstr != "cdrom":
-            m = self.anaconda.methodstr
-            if m.startswith("hd:"):
-                if m.count(":") == 2:
-                    (device, path) = m[3:].split(":")
-                else:
-                    (device, fstype, path) = m[3:].split(":")
-                self.isodir = "/mnt/install/isodir/%s" % path
-                # This takes care of mounting /mnt/install/isodir first.
-                self._mountInstallImage()
-                self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-            elif m.startswith("nfsiso:"):
-                self.isodir = "/mnt/install/isodir"
-                # Calling _mountInstallImage takes care of mounting /mnt/install/isodir first.
-                if not network.hasActiveNetDev():
-                    if not self.anaconda.intf.enableNetwork():
-                        self._baseRepoURL = None
-                        return
-                self._mountInstallImage()
-                self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-            elif m.startswith("http") or m.startswith("ftp:"):
-                self._baseRepoURL = m
-            elif m.startswith("nfs:"):
-                if not network.hasActiveNetDev():
-                    if not self.anaconda.intf.enableNetwork():
-                        self._baseRepoURL = None
-                (opts, server, path) = iutil.parseNfsUrl(m)
-                isys.mount(server+":"+path, self.tree, "nfs", options=opts)
-                # This really should be fixed in initrd instead but for now see
-                # if there's images and if so go with this being an NFSISO
-                # install instead.
-                image = findFirstIsoImage(self.tree, self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow)
-                if image:
-                    isys.umount(self.tree, removeDir=False)
-                    self.anaconda.methodstr = "nfsiso:%s" % m[4:]
-                    self.configBaseURL()
-                    return
-            elif m.startswith("cdrom:"):
-                self._mountInstallCD()
-                self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-                self._baseRepoURL = "file://%s" % self.tree
-        elif os.path.isdir("/run/initramfs/live/repodata"):
-            # No methodstr was given.  In order to find an installation source
-            # we first check to see if dracut has already mounted the source
-            # on /run/initramfs/live/ and if not we check to see if there's a
-            # CD/DVD with packages on it. If both those fail we default to the
-            # mirrorlist URL.  The user can always change the repo with the
-            # repo editor later.
-            isys.mount("/run/initramfs/live/", self.tree, bindMount=True)
-            self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-            self._baseRepoURL = "file://%s" % self.tree
-        elif os.path.isdir("/run/install/repo/repodata"):
-            # Same hack as above. FIXME: make scanForMedia do this, dammit
-            isys.mount("/run/install/repo", self.tree, bindMount=True)
-            self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-            self._baseRepoURL = "file://%s" % self.tree
-        else:
-            # No methodstr was given.  In order to find an installation source,
-            # we should first check to see if there's a CD/DVD with packages
-            # on it, and then default to the mirrorlist URL.  The user can
-            # always change the repo with the repo editor later.
-            cdrs = opticalInstallMedia(self.anaconda.storage.devicetree, self.tree)
-            if cdrs:
-                self.mediagrabber = self.mediaHandler
-                self.anaconda.mediaDevice = cdrs[0].name
-                log.info("found installation media on %s" % cdrs[0].name)
-            else:
-                # No CD with media on it and no repo=/method= parameter, so
-                # default to using whatever's enabled in /etc/yum.repos.d/
-                self._baseRepoURL = None
-    def configBaseRepo(self):
-        # Create the "base" repo object, assuming there is one.  Otherwise we
-        # just skip all this and use the defaults from /etc/yum.repos.d.
-        if not self._baseRepoURL:
-            return
-        # add default repos
-        anacondabaseurl = (self.anaconda.methodstr or
-                           "cdrom:%s" % (self.anaconda.mediaDevice))
-        anacondabasepaths = self.anaconda.instClass.getPackagePaths(anacondabaseurl)
-        for (name, uri) in self.anaconda.instClass.getPackagePaths(self._baseRepoURL).items():
-            repo = AnacondaYumRepo("anaconda-%s" % self.repoIDcounter.next())
-            repo.baseurl = uri
-            repo.anacondaBaseURLs = anacondabasepaths[name]
-            repo.name = name
-            repo.cost = 100
-            if self.anaconda.mediaDevice or self.isodir:
-                repo.mediaid = getMediaId(self.tree)
-                log.info("set mediaid of repo %s to: %s" % (repo.name, repo.mediaid))
-            if self.anaconda.proxy:
-                self.setProxy(self.anaconda, repo)
-            if flags.noverifyssl:
-                repo.sslverify = False
-            repo.enable()
-            self.repos.add(repo)
-    def mediaHandler(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        relative = kwargs["relative"]
-        ug = URLGrabber(checkfunc=kwargs["checkfunc"])
-        ug.urlgrab("%s/%s" % (self.tree, kwargs["relative"]), kwargs["local"],
-                   text=kwargs["text"], range=kwargs["range"], copy_local=1)
-        return kwargs["local"]
-    # XXX: This is straight out of yum, but we need to override it here in
-    # order to use our own repo class.
-    def readRepoConfig(self, parser, section):
-        '''Parse an INI file section for a repository.
-        @param parser: ConfParser or similar to read INI file values from.
-        @param section: INI file section to read.
-        @return: YumRepository instance.
-        '''
-        repo = AnacondaYumRepo(section)
-        repo.populate(parser, section, self.conf)
-        # Ensure that the repo name is set
-        if not repo.name:
-            repo.name = section
-            self.logger.error(_('Repository %r is missing name in configuration, '
-                    'using id') % section)
-        # Set attributes not from the config file
-        repo.yumvar.update(self.conf.yumvar)
-        repo.cfg = parser
-        if "-source" in repo.id or "-debuginfo" in repo.id:
-            name = repo.name
-            del(repo)
-            raise RepoError, "Repo %s contains -source or -debuginfo, excluding" % name
-        # this is a little hard-coded, but it's effective
-        if isFinal and ("rawhide" in repo.id or "development" in repo.id):
-            name = repo.name
-            del(repo)
-            raise RepoError, "Excluding devel repo %s for non-devel anaconda" % name
-        if not isFinal and not repo.enabled:
-            name = repo.name
-            del(repo)
-            raise RepoError, "Excluding disabled repo %s for prerelease" % name
-        # If repo=/method= was passed in, we want to default these extra
-        # repos to off.
-        if self._baseRepoURL:
-            repo.enabled = False
-        return repo
-    def setProxy(self, src, dest):
-        """
-        Set the proxy settings from a string in src.proxy
-        If the string includes un/pw use those, otherwise set the un/pw from
-        src.proxyUsername and src.proxyPassword
-        dest has dest.proxy set to the host and port (no un/pw)
-        dest.proxy_username and dest.proxy_password are set if present in src
-        """
-        # NOTE: If this changes, update tests/regex/proxy.py
-        #
-        # proxy=[protocol://][username[:password]@]host[:port][path]
-        pattern = re.compile("([A-Za-z]+://)?(([A-Za-z0-9]+)(:[^:@]+)?@)?([^:/]+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?")
-        m = pattern.match(src.proxy)
-        if m and m.group(3):
-            dest.proxy_username = m.group(3)
-        elif getattr(src, "proxyUsername", None):
-            dest.proxy_username = src.proxyUsername
-        if m and m.group(4):
-            # Skip the leading colon.
-            dest.proxy_password = m.group(4)[1:]
-        elif getattr(src, "proxyPassword", None):
-            dest.proxy_password = src.proxyPassword
-        if dest.proxy_username or dest.proxy_password:
-            proxy_auth = "%s:%s@" % (dest.proxy_username or '',
-                                     dest.proxy_password or '')
-        else:
-            proxy_auth = ""
-        if m and m.group(5):
-            # If both a host and port was found, just paste them
-            # together using the colon at the beginning of the port
-            # match as a separator.  Otherwise, just use the host.
-            if m.group(6):
-                proxy = m.group(5) + m.group(6)
-            else:
-                proxy = m.group(5)
-            # yum also requires a protocol.  If none was given,
-            # default to http.
-            if m.group(1):
-                dest.proxy_url = m.group(1) + proxy_auth + proxy
-                proxy = m.group(1) + proxy
-            else:
-                dest.proxy_url = "http://" + proxy_auth + proxy
-                proxy = "http://" + proxy
-            # Set the repo proxy. NOTE: yum immediately parses this and
-            # raises an error if it isn't correct
-            dest.proxy = proxy
-    def _getAddons(self, baseurl, proxy_url, sslverify):
-        """
-        Check the baseurl or mirrorlist for a repository, see if it has any
-        valid addon repos and if so, return a list of (repo name, repo URL).
-        """
-        retval = []
-        c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-        # If there's no .treeinfo for this repo, don't bother looking for addons.
-        treeinfo = self._getTreeinfo(baseurl, proxy_url, sslverify)
-        if not treeinfo:
-            return retval
-        # We need to know which variant is being installed so we know what addons
-        # are valid options.
-        try:
-            ConfigParser.ConfigParser.read(c, treeinfo)
-            variant = c.get("general", "variant")
-        except ConfigParser.Error:
-            return retval
-        section = "variant-%s" % variant
-        if c.has_section(section) and c.has_option(section, "addons"):
-            validAddons = c.get(section, "addons").split(",")
-        else:
-            return retval
-        for addon in validAddons:
-            addonSection = "addon-%s" % addon
-            if not c.has_section(addonSection) or not c.has_option(addonSection, "repository"):
-                continue
-            url = "%s/%s" % (baseurl, c.get(addonSection, "repository"))
-            retval.append((addon, c.get(addonSection, "name"), url))
-        return retval
-    def _getTreeinfo(self, baseurl, proxy_url, sslverify):
-        """
-        Try to get .treeinfo file from baseurl, optionally using proxy_url
-        Saves the file into /tmp/.treeinfo
-        """
-        if not baseurl:
-            return None
-        if baseurl.startswith("http") or baseurl.startswith("ftp"):
-            if not network.hasActiveNetDev():
-                if not self.anaconda.intf.enableNetwork():
-                    log.error("Error downloading %s/.treeinfo: network enablement failed" % (baseurl))
-                    return None
-        ug = URLGrabber()
-        ugopts = {
-            "ssl_verify_peer" : sslverify,
-            "ssl_verify_host" : sslverify
-        }
-        if proxy_url:
-            proxies = { 'http'  : proxy_url,
-                        'https' : proxy_url }
-        else:
-            proxies = {}
-        try:
-            ug.urlgrab("%s/.treeinfo" % baseurl, "/tmp/.treeinfo",
-                       copy_local=1, proxies=proxies, **ugopts)
-        except Exception as e:
-            try:
-                ug.urlgrab("%s/treeinfo" % baseurl, "/tmp/.treeinfo",
-                           copy_local=1, proxies=proxies)
-            except Exception as e:
-                log.info("Error downloading treeinfo: %s" % e)
-                return None
-        return "/tmp/.treeinfo"
-    def _getReleasever(self):
-        """
-        We need to make sure $releasever gets set up before .repo files are
-        read.  Since there's no redhat-release package in /mnt/sysimage (and
-        won't be for quite a while), we need to do our own substutition.
-        """
-        c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-        treeinfo = self._getTreeinfo(self._baseRepoURL,
-                                     self.proxy_url,
-                                     not flags.noverifyssl)
-        if not treeinfo:
-            return productVersion.split('-')[0]
-        ConfigParser.ConfigParser.read(c, treeinfo)
-        try:
-            ver = c.get("general", "version")
-            # Trim off any -Alpha or -Beta
-            return ver.split('-')[0]
-        except ConfigParser.Error:
-            return productVersion
-    # Override this method so yum doesn't nuke our existing logging config.
-    def doLoggingSetup(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        import yum.logginglevels
-        file_handler = logging.FileHandler("/tmp/yum.log")
-        file_formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s")
-        file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter)
-        tty3_handler = logging.FileHandler("/dev/tty3")
-        tty3_formatter = logging.Formatter(anaconda_log.TTY_FORMAT,
-                                           anaconda_log.DATE_FORMAT)
-        tty3_handler.setFormatter(tty3_formatter)
-        verbose = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose")
-        verbose.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        verbose.propagate = False
-        verbose.addHandler(file_handler)
-        logger = logging.getLogger("yum")
-        logger.propagate = False
-        logger.setLevel(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2)
-        logger.addHandler(file_handler)
-        anaconda_log.autoSetLevel(tty3_handler, True)
-        tty3_handler.setLevel(anaconda_log.logger.tty_loglevel)
-        logger.addHandler(tty3_handler)
-        # XXX filelogger is set in setFileLog - do we or user want it?
-        filelogger = logging.getLogger("yum.filelogging")
-        filelogger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        filelogger.propagate = False
-    def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile):
-        # don't do the file log as it can lead to open fds
-        # being left and an inability to clean up after ourself
-        pass
-    def doConfigSetup(self, fn='/tmp/anaconda-yum.conf', root='/'):
-        if hasattr(self, "preconf"):
-            self.preconf.fn = fn
-            self.preconf.root = root
-            self.preconf.releasever = self._getReleasever()
-            self.preconf.enabled_plugins = ["whiteout", "blacklist"]
-            yum.YumBase._getConfig(self)
-        else:
-            yum.YumBase._getConfig(self, fn=fn, root=root,
-                                 enabled_plugins=["whiteout", "blacklist"])
-        self.configBaseRepo()
-        extraRepos = []
-        ddArch = os.uname()[4]
-        #Add the Driver disc repos to Yum
-        for d in glob.glob(DD_RPMS):
-            dirname = os.path.basename(d)
-            repo = AnacondaYumRepo("anaconda-%s" % self.repoIDcounter.next())
-            repo.baseurl = [ "file://%s" % d ]
-            repo.name = "Driver Disk %s" % dirname.split("-")[1]
-            repo.enable()
-            extraRepos.append(repo)
-        if self.anaconda.ksdata:
-            for ksrepo in self.anaconda.ksdata.repo.repoList:
-                # If no location was given, this must be a repo pre-configured
-                # through /etc/yum.repos.d that we just want to enable.
-                if not ksrepo.baseurl and not ksrepo.mirrorlist:
-                    try:
-                        repo = self.repos.getRepo(ksrepo.name)
-                        repo.enable()
-                        log.info("enabled repository %s with URL %s" % (repo.name, repo.mirrorlist or repo.baseurl[0]))
-                    except RepoError:
-                        log.error("Could not find the pre-configured repo %s, skipping" % ksrepo.name)
-                    continue
-                anacondaBaseURLs = [ksrepo.baseurl]
-                # yum doesn't understand nfs:// and doesn't want to.  We need
-                # to first do the mount, then translate it into a file:// that
-                # yum does understand.
-                # "nfs:" and "nfs://" prefixes are accepted in ks repo --baseurl
-                if ksrepo.baseurl and ksrepo.baseurl.startswith("nfs:"):
-                    if not network.hasActiveNetDev() and not self.anaconda.intf.enableNetwork():
-                        self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("No Network Available"),
-                            _("Some of your software repositories require "
-                              "networking, but there was an error enabling the "
-                              "network on your system."),
-                            type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                            custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                    dest = tempfile.mkdtemp("", ksrepo.name.replace(" ", ""), "/mnt")
-                    # handle "nfs://" prefix
-                    if ksrepo.baseurl[4:6] == '//':
-                        ksrepo.baseurl = ksrepo.baseurl.replace('//', '', 1)
-                        anacondaBaseURLs = [ksrepo.baseurl]
-                    try:
-                        isys.mount(ksrepo.baseurl[4:], dest, "nfs")
-                    except Exception as e:
-                        log.error("error mounting NFS repo: %s" % e)
-                    ksrepo.baseurl = "file://%s" % dest
-                repo = AnacondaYumRepo(ksrepo.name)
-                repo.yumvar.update(self.conf.yumvar)
-                repo.mirrorlist = ksrepo.mirrorlist
-                repo.name = ksrepo.name
-                if not ksrepo.baseurl:
-                    repo.baseurl = []
-                else:
-                    repo.baseurl = [ ksrepo.baseurl ]
-                repo.anacondaBaseURLs = anacondaBaseURLs
-                if ksrepo.cost:
-                    repo.cost = ksrepo.cost
-                if ksrepo.excludepkgs:
-                    repo.exclude = ksrepo.excludepkgs
-                if ksrepo.includepkgs:
-                    repo.includepkgs = ksrepo.includepkgs
-                if ksrepo.noverifyssl:
-                    repo.sslverify = False
-                if ksrepo.proxy:
-                    self.setProxy(ksrepo, repo)
-                repo.enable()
-                extraRepos.append(repo)
-        initialRepos = self.repos.repos.values() + extraRepos
-        for repo in filter(lambda r: r.isEnabled(), initialRepos):
-            addons = self._getAddons(repo.mirrorlist or repo.baseurl[0],
-                                     repo.proxy_url or self.proxy_url,
-                                     repo.sslverify)
-            for addon in addons:
-                addonRepo = AnacondaYumRepo(addon[0])
-                addonRepo.name = addon[1]
-                addonRepo.baseurl = [ addon[2] ]
-                addonRepo.enable()
-                if self.anaconda.proxy:
-                    self.setProxy(self.anaconda, addonRepo)
-                extraRepos.append(addonRepo)
-        for repo in extraRepos:
-            try:
-                self.repos.add(repo)
-                log.info("added repository %s with URL %s" % (repo.name, repo.mirrorlist or repo.baseurl[0]))
-            except yum.Errors.DuplicateRepoError:
-                log.warning("ignoring duplicate repository %s with URL %s" % (repo.name, repo.mirrorlist or repo.baseurl[0]))
-        self.repos.setCacheDir(self.conf.cachedir)
-    def downloadHeader(self, po):
-        while True:
-            # retrying version of download header
-            try:
-                yum.YumBase.downloadHeader(self, po)
-                break
-            except (yum.Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, IOError):
-                self._handleFailure(po)
-            except yum.Errors.RepoError:
-                continue
-    def _handleFailure(self, package):
-        if package.repo.anacondaBaseURLs[0].startswith("cdrom:"):
-            buttons = [_("Re_boot"), _("_Eject")]
-        else:
-            buttons = [_("Re_boot"), _("_Retry")]
-        pkgFile = to_unicode(os.path.basename(package.remote_path))
-        rc = self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"),
-                   _("The file %s cannot be opened.  This is due to a missing "
-                     "file, a corrupt package or corrupt media.  Please "
-                     "verify your installation source.\n\n"
-                     "If you exit, your system will be left in an inconsistent "
-                     "state that will likely require reinstallation.\n\n") %
-                                              (pkgFile,),
-                                    type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                                    custom_buttons=buttons)
-        if rc == 0:
-            sys.exit(0)
-        else:
-            if os.path.exists(package.localPkg()):
-                os.unlink(package.localPkg())
-            if package.repo.anacondaBaseURLs[0].startswith("cdrom:"):
-                self._mountInstallCD()
-            else:
-                return
-    def mirrorFailureCB (self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
-        # This gets called when a mirror fails, but it cannot know whether
-        # or not there are other mirrors left to try, since it cannot know
-        # which mirror we were on when we started this particular download. 
-        # Whenever we have run out of mirrors the grabber's get/open/retrieve
-        # method will raise a URLGrabError exception with errno 256.
-        repo = self.repos.getRepo(kwargs["repo"])
-        log.warning("Failed to get %s from mirror %d/%d, "
-                    "or downloaded file is corrupt" % (obj.url, repo.grab._next + 1,
-                                                       len(repo.grab.mirrors)))
-        if repo.anacondaBaseURLs[0].startswith("cdrom:"):
-            dev = self.anaconda.storage.devicetree.getDeviceByName(self.anaconda.mediaDevice)
-            dev.format.mountpoint = self.tree
-            unmountCD(dev, self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow)
-    def urlgrabberFailureCB (self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
-        if hasattr(obj, "exception"):
-            log.warning("Try %s/%s for %s failed: %s" % (obj.tries, obj.retry, obj.url, obj.exception))
-        else:
-            log.warning("Try %s/%s for %s failed" % (obj.tries, obj.retry, obj.url))
-        if obj.tries == obj.retry:
-            return
-        delay = 0.25*(2**(obj.tries-1))
-        if delay > 1:
-            w = self.anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Retrying"), _("Retrying download."))
-            time.sleep(delay)
-            w.pop()
-        else:
-            time.sleep(delay)
-    def getDownloadPkgs(self):
-        downloadpkgs = []
-        totalSize = 0
-        totalFiles = 0
-        for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
-            if txmbr.po:
-                totalSize += int(txmbr.po.returnSimple("installedsize")) / 1024
-                for filetype in txmbr.po.returnFileTypes():
-                    totalFiles += len(txmbr.po.returnFileEntries(ftype=filetype))
-                downloadpkgs.append(txmbr.po)
-        return (downloadpkgs, totalSize, totalFiles)
-    def setColor(self):
-        if rpmUtils.arch.isMultiLibArch():
-            self.ts.ts.setColor(3)
-    def run(self, instLog, cb, intf):
-        self.initActionTs()
-        if self.anaconda.upgrade:
-            self.ts.ts.setProbFilter(~rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE)
-        self.setColor()
-        try:
-            self.dsCallback = DownloadHeaderProgress(intf, self)
-            self.populateTs(keepold=0)
-            self.dsCallback.pop()
-            self.dsCallback = None
-        except RepoError as e:
-            msg = _("There was an error running your transaction for "
-                    "the following reason: %s\n") % str(e)
-            if self.anaconda.upgrade or self.anaconda.ksdata:
-                rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), msg, type="custom",
-                                        custom_icon="error",
-                                        custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), msg,
-                        type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Back"), _("_Exit installer")])
-            if rc == 1:
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                return DISPATCH_BACK
-        self.ts.check()
-        self.ts.order()
-        self.ts.clean()
-        self.anaconda.bootloader.trusted_boot = self.isPackageInstalled(name="tboot")
-        if self._run(instLog, cb, intf) == DISPATCH_BACK:
-            return DISPATCH_BACK
-        self.ts.close()
-    def _run(self, instLog, cb, intf):
-        # set log fd.  FIXME: this is ugly.  see changelog entry from 2005-09-13
-        self.ts.ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno()
-        rpm.setLogFile(instLog)
-        uniqueProbs = {}
-        spaceneeded = {}
-        spaceprob = ""
-        fileConflicts = []
-        fileprob = ""
-        try:
-            self.runTransaction(cb=cb)
-        except PackageSackError as e:
-            log.error("AnacondaYum._run: PackageSackError: %s" % e)
-            msg = _("There was an error running your transaction for "
-                    "the following reason: %s.\n") % str(e)
-            intf.messageWindow(_("Error Running Transaction"),
-                               msg, type="custom",
-                               custom_icon="error", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-            sys.exit(1)
-        except YumBaseError as probs:
-            # FIXME: we need to actually look at these problems...
-            probTypes = { rpm.RPMPROB_NEW_FILE_CONFLICT : _('file conflicts'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_FILE_CONFLICT : _('file conflicts'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_OLDPACKAGE: _('older package(s)'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_DISKSPACE: _('insufficient disk space'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_DISKNODES: _('insufficient disk inodes'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_CONFLICT: _('package conflicts'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_PKG_INSTALLED: _('package already installed'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_REQUIRES: _('required package'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_BADARCH: _('package for incorrect arch'),
-                          rpm.RPMPROB_BADOS: _('package for incorrect os'),
-            }
-            for (descr, (ty, mount, need)) in probs.value: # FIXME: probs.value???
-                log.error("%s: %s" %(probTypes[ty], descr))
-                if not uniqueProbs.has_key(ty) and probTypes.has_key(ty):
-                    uniqueProbs[ty] = probTypes[ty]
-                if ty == rpm.RPMPROB_DISKSPACE:
-                    spaceneeded[mount] = need
-                elif ty in [rpm.RPMPROB_NEW_FILE_CONFLICT, rpm.RPMPROB_FILE_CONFLICT]:
-                    fileConflicts.append(descr)
-            if spaceneeded:
-                spaceprob = _("You need more space on the following "
-                              "file systems:\n")
-                for (mount, need) in spaceneeded.items():
-                    log.info("(%s, %s)" %(mount, need))
-                    if mount.startswith("/mnt/sysimage/"):
-                        mount.replace("/mnt/sysimage", "")
-                    elif mount.startswith("/mnt/sysimage"):
-                        mount = "/" + mount.replace("/mnt/sysimage", "")
-                    spaceprob += "%d M on %s\n" % (need / (1024*1024), mount)
-            elif fileConflicts:
-                fileprob = _("There were file conflicts when checking the "
-                             "packages to be installed:\n%s\n") % ("\n".join(fileConflicts),)
-            msg = _("There was an error running your transaction for "
-                    "the following reason(s): %s.\n") % ', '.join(uniqueProbs.values())
-            spaceprob = to_unicode(spaceprob)
-            fileprob = to_unicode(fileprob)
-            if self.anaconda.upgrade or self.anaconda.ksdata:
-                intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Error Running Transaction"),
-                   msg, spaceprob + "\n" + fileprob, type="custom",
-                   custom_icon="error", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                rc = intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Error Running Transaction"),
-                        msg, spaceprob + "\n" + fileprob, type="custom",
-                        custom_icon="error",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Back"), _("_Exit installer")])
-            if rc == 1:
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                self._undoDepInstalls()
-                return DISPATCH_BACK
-    def doMacros(self):
-        for (key, val) in self.macros.items():
-            rpm.addMacro(key, val)
-    def simpleDBInstalled(self, name, arch=None):
-        # FIXME: doing this directly instead of using self.rpmdb.installed()
-        # speeds things up by 400%
-        mi = self.ts.ts.dbMatch('name', name)
-        if mi.count() == 0:
-            return False
-        if arch is None:
-            return True
-        if arch in map(lambda h: h['arch'], mi):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def isPackageInstalled(self, name = None, epoch = None, version = None,
-                           release = None, arch = None, po = None):
-        # FIXME: this sucks.  we should probably suck it into yum proper
-        # but it'll need a bit of cleanup first.
-        if po is not None:
-            (name, epoch, version, release, arch) = po.returnNevraTuple()
-        installed = False
-        if name and not (epoch or version or release or arch):
-            installed = self.simpleDBInstalled(name)
-        elif self.rpmdb.installed(name = name, epoch = epoch, ver = version,
-                                rel = release, arch = arch):
-            installed = True
-        lst = self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name = name, epoch = epoch,
-                                     ver = version, rel = release,
-                                     arch = arch)
-        for txmbr in lst:
-            if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
-                return True
-        if installed and len(lst) > 0:
-            # if we get here, then it was installed, but it's in the tsInfo
-            # for an erase or obsoleted --> not going to be installed at end
-            return False
-        return installed
-    def isGroupInstalled(self, grp):
-        if grp.selected:
-            return True
-        elif grp.installed and not grp.toremove:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def _pkgExists(self, pkg):
-        """Whether or not a given package exists in our universe."""
-        try:
-            pkgs = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkg)
-            return True
-        except yum.Errors.PackageSackError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            pkgs = self.rpmdb.returnNewestByName(pkg)
-            return True
-        except (IndexError, yum.Errors.PackageSackError):
-            pass
-        return False
-    def _groupHasPackages(self, grp):
-        # this checks to see if the given group has any packages available
-        # (ie, already installed or in the sack of available packages)
-        # so that we don't show empty groups.  also, if there are mandatory
-        # packages and we have none of them, don't show
-        for pkg in grp.mandatory_packages.keys():
-            if self._pkgExists(pkg):
-                return True
-        if len(grp.mandatory_packages) > 0:
-            return False
-        for pkg in grp.default_packages.keys() + grp.optional_packages.keys() + \
-                   grp.conditional_packages.keys():
-            if self._pkgExists(pkg):
-                return True
-        return False
-class YumBackend(AnacondaBackend):
-    def __init__ (self, anaconda):
-        AnacondaBackend.__init__(self, anaconda)
-        self.supportsPackageSelection = True
-        buf = """
-""" % (ROOT_PATH)
-        if anaconda.proxy:
-            buf += "proxy=%s\n" % anaconda.proxy
-            if anaconda.proxyUsername:
-                buf += "proxy_username=%s\n" % anaconda.proxyUsername
-            if anaconda.proxyPassword:
-                buf += "proxy_password=%s\n" % anaconda.proxyPassword
-        fd = open("/tmp/anaconda-yum.conf", "w")
-        fd.write(buf)
-        fd.close()
-    def complete(self, anaconda):
-        if not anaconda.mediaDevice and os.path.ismount(self.ayum.tree):
-            isys.umount(self.ayum.tree)
-        # clean up rpmdb locks so that kickstart %post scripts aren't
-        # unhappy (#496961)
-        iutil.resetRpmDb()
-        if os.access(ROOT_PATH + "/tmp/yum.log", os.R_OK):
-            os.unlink(ROOT_PATH + "/tmp/yum.log")
-        self.ayum.history.close()
-    def doBackendSetup(self, anaconda):
-        if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-            return DISPATCH_BACK
-        if anaconda.upgrade:
-           # FIXME: make sure that the rpmdb doesn't have stale locks :/
-           iutil.resetRpmDb()
-        self.ayum = AnacondaYum(anaconda)
-        self.ayum.setup()
-        self.ayum.doMacros()
-        # If any enabled repositories require networking, go ahead and bring
-        # it up now.  No need to have people wait for the timeout when we
-        # know this in advance.
-        for repo in self.ayum.repos.listEnabled():
-            if repo.needsNetwork() and not network.hasActiveNetDev():
-                if not anaconda.intf.enableNetwork():
-                    anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("No Network Available"),
-                        _("Some of your software repositories require "
-                          "networking, but there was an error enabling the "
-                          "network on your system."),
-                        type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                        custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer")])
-                    sys.exit(1)
-                break
-        self.doRepoSetup(anaconda)
-        self.doSackSetup(anaconda)
-        self.doGroupSetup(anaconda)
-        self.ayum.doMacros()
-    def doGroupSetup(self, anaconda):
-        while True:
-            try:
-                self.ayum.doGroupSetup()
-            except (GroupsError, NoSuchGroup, RepoError) as e:
-                buttons = [_("_Exit installer"), _("_Retry")]
-                log.error("Unable to read group information: %s" % e)
-            else:
-                break # success
-            rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"),
-                                        _("Unable to read group information "
-                                          "from repositories.  This is "
-                                          "a problem with the generation "
-                                          "of your install tree."),
-                                        type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                                        custom_buttons = buttons)
-            if rc == 0:
-                sys.exit(0)
-            else:
-                self.ayum._setGroups(None)
-                continue
-    def doRepoSetup(self, anaconda, thisrepo = None, fatalerrors = True):
-        self.__withFuncDo(anaconda, lambda r: self.ayum.doRepoSetup(thisrepo=r.id),
-                          thisrepo=thisrepo, fatalerrors=fatalerrors,
-                          callback=RepoSetupPulseProgress(anaconda.intf))
-    def doSackSetup(self, anaconda, thisrepo = None, fatalerrors = True):
-        self.__withFuncDo(anaconda, lambda r: self.ayum.doSackSetup(thisrepo=r.id),
-                          thisrepo=thisrepo, fatalerrors=fatalerrors,
-                          callback=SackSetupProgress(anaconda.intf))
-    def __withFuncDo(self, anaconda, fn, thisrepo=None, fatalerrors=True,
-                     callback=None):
-        # Don't do this if we're being called as a dispatcher step (instead
-        # of being called when a repo is added via the UI) and we're going
-        # back.
-        if thisrepo is None and anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-            return
-        # We want to call the function one repo at a time so we have some
-        # concept of which repo didn't set up correctly.
-        if thisrepo is not None:
-            repos = [self.ayum.repos.getRepo(thisrepo)]
-        else:
-            repos = self.ayum.repos.listEnabled()
-        for repo in repos:
-            if callback:
-                callback.connect(repo)
-            while True:
-                try:
-                    fn(repo)
-                    if callback:
-                        callback.disconnect()
-                except RepoError as e:
-                    if callback:
-                        callback.disconnect()
-                    buttons = [_("_Exit installer"), _("Edit"), _("_Retry")]
-                else:
-                    break # success
-                if anaconda.ksdata:
-                    buttons.append(_("_Continue"))
-                if not fatalerrors:
-                    raise RepoError, e
-                rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"),
-                                   _("Unable to read package metadata. This may be "
-                                     "due to a missing repodata directory.  Please "
-                                     "ensure that your install tree has been "
-                                     "correctly generated.\n\n%s" % e),
-                                     type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                                     custom_buttons=buttons)
-                if rc == 0:
-                    # abort
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                elif rc == 1:
-                    # edit
-                    anaconda.intf.editRepoWindow(repo)
-                    break
-                elif rc == 2:
-                    # retry, but only if button is present
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    # continue, but only if button is present
-                    self.ayum.repos.delete(repo.id)
-                    break
-            # if we're in kickstart the repo may have been deleted just above
-            try:
-                self.ayum.repos.getRepo(repo.id)
-            except RepoError:
-                log.debug("repo %s has been removed" % (repo.id,))
-                continue
-            repo.setFailureObj(self.ayum.urlgrabberFailureCB)
-            repo.setMirrorFailureObj((self.ayum.mirrorFailureCB, (),
-                                     {"repo": repo.id}))
-        self.ayum.repos.callback = None
-    def getDefaultGroups(self, anaconda):
-        langs = anaconda.instLanguage.getCurrentLangSearchList()
-        rc = map(lambda x: x.groupid,
-                 filter(lambda x: x.default, self.ayum.comps.groups))
-        for g in self.ayum.comps.groups:
-            if g.langonly in langs:
-                rc.append(g.groupid)
-        return rc
-    def resetPackageSelections(self):
-        """Reset the package selection to an empty state."""
-        for txmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo:
-            self.ayum.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
-        self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals.clear()
-        for grp in self.ayum.comps.groups:
-            grp.selected = False
-    def selectModulePackages(self, anaconda, kernelPkgName):
-        (base, sep, ext) = kernelPkgName.partition("-")
-        moduleProvides = []
-        for (path, name) in anaconda.extraModules:
-            if ext != "":
-                moduleProvides.append("dud-%s-%s" % (name, ext))
-            else:
-                moduleProvides.append("dud-%s" % name)
-        #We need to install the packages which contain modules from DriverDiscs
-        for modPath in isys.modulesWithPaths():
-            log.debug("Checking for DUD module "+modPath)
-            match = DD_EXTRACTED.match(modPath)
-            if match:
-                log.info("Requesting install of kmod-%s" % (match.group("modulename")))
-                moduleProvides.append("kmod-"+match.group("modulename"))
-            else:
-                continue
-        for module in moduleProvides:
-            pkgs = self.ayum.returnPackagesByDep(module)
-            if not pkgs:
-                log.warning("Didn't find any package providing %s" % module)
-            for pkg in pkgs:
-                log.info("selecting package %s for %s" % (pkg.name, module))
-                self.ayum.install(po=pkg)
-    def selectBestKernel(self, anaconda):
-        """Find the best kernel package which is available and select it."""
-        def getBestKernelByArch(pkgname, ayum):
-            """Convenience func to find the best arch of a kernel by name"""
-            try:
-                pkgs = ayum.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkgname)
-            except yum.Errors.PackageSackError:
-                return None
-            pkgs = self.ayum.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)
-            if len(pkgs) == 0:
-                return None
-            return pkgs[0]
-        def selectKernel(pkgname):
-            try:
-                pkg = getBestKernelByArch(pkgname, self.ayum)
-            except PackageSackError:
-                log.debug("no %s package" % pkgname)
-                return False
-            if not pkg:
-                return False
-            log.info("selected %s package for kernel" % pkg.name)
-            self.ayum.install(po=pkg)
-            self.selectModulePackages(anaconda, pkg.name)
-            if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name="gcc")) > 0:
-                log.debug("selecting %s-devel" % pkg.name)
-                self.selectPackage("%s-devel.%s" % (pkg.name, pkg.arch))
-            return True
-        foundkernel = False
-        if not foundkernel and isys.isPaeAvailable():
-            if selectKernel("kernel-PAE"):
-                foundkernel = True
-        if not foundkernel and iutil.isARM():
-            if anaconda.platform.armMachine is not None:
-                selectKernel("kernel-%s" % anaconda.platform.armMachine)
-                foundkernel = True
-        if not foundkernel:
-            selectKernel("kernel")
-    def selectFSPackages(self, storage):
-        for device in storage.fsset.devices:
-            # this takes care of device and filesystem packages
-            map(self.selectPackage, device.packages)
-    # anaconda requires several programs on the installed system to complete
-    # installation, but we have no guarantees that some of these will be
-    # installed (they could have been removed in kickstart).  So we'll force
-    # it.
-    def selectAnacondaNeeds(self):
-        for pkg in ['authconfig', 'chkconfig', 'system-config-firewall-base']:
-            self.selectPackage(pkg)
-    def doPostSelection(self, anaconda):
-        # Only solve dependencies on the way through the installer, not the way back.
-        if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-            return
-        dscb = YumDepSolveProgress(anaconda.intf, self.ayum)
-        self.ayum.dsCallback = dscb
-        # do some sanity checks for kernel and bootloader
-        if not anaconda.upgrade:
-            # New installs only - upgrades will already have all this stuff.
-            self.selectBestKernel(anaconda)
-            map(self.selectPackage, anaconda.platform.packages)
-            map(self.selectPackage, anaconda.bootloader.packages)
-            self.selectFSPackages(anaconda.storage)
-            self.selectAnacondaNeeds()
-        else:
-            if not anaconda.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
-                map(self.deselectPackage, anaconda.bootloader.obsoletes)
-                map(self.selectPackage, anaconda.bootloader.packages)
-            self.ayum.update()
-        while True:
-            try:
-                (code, msgs) = self.ayum.buildTransaction()
-                # If %packages --ignoremissing was given, don't bother
-                # prompting for missing dependencies.
-                if anaconda.ksdata and anaconda.ksdata.packages.handleMissing == KS_MISSING_IGNORE:
-                    break
-                if code == 1 and not anaconda.upgrade:
-                    # resolveDeps returns 0 if empty transaction, 1 if error,
-                    # 2 if success
-                    depprob = "\n".join(msgs)
-                    for m in msgs:
-                        log.warning(m)
-                    custom_buttons = [_("_Exit installer"), _("_Continue")]
-                    if not anaconda.ksdata:
-                        custom_buttons.insert(1, _("_Back"))
-                    rc = anaconda.intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Warning"),
-                            _("Some of the packages you have selected for "
-                              "install are missing dependencies.  You can "
-                              "exit the installation, go back and change "
-                              "your package selections, or continue "
-                              "installing these packages without their "
-                              "dependencies.  If you continue, these packages "
-                              "may not work correctly due to missing components."),
-                            depprob + "\n", type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                            custom_buttons=custom_buttons)
-                    dscb.pop()
-                    if rc == 0:
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                    elif rc == 1 and not anaconda.ksdata:
-                        self.ayum._undoDepInstalls()
-                        return DISPATCH_BACK
-                break
-            except RepoError as e:
-                log.critical(e)
-                # FIXME: would be nice to be able to recover here
-                rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"),
-                               _("Unable to read package metadata. This may be "
-                                 "due to a missing repodata directory.  Please "
-                                 "ensure that your install tree has been "
-                                 "correctly generated.\n\n%s" % e),
-                                 type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                                 custom_buttons=[_("_Exit installer"), _("_Retry")])
-                dscb.pop()
-                if rc == 0:
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                else:
-                    continue
-            else:
-                break
-        (self.dlpkgs, self.totalSize, self.totalFiles)  = self.ayum.getDownloadPkgs()
-        if not anaconda.upgrade:
-            largePart = anaconda.storage.mountpoints.get("/usr", anaconda.storage.rootDevice)
-            if largePart and largePart.size < self.totalSize / 1024:
-                rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"),
-                                        _("Your selected packages require %d MB "
-                                          "of free space for installation, but "
-                                          "you do not have enough available.  "
-                                          "You can change your selections or "
-                                          "exit the installer." % (self.totalSize / 1024)),
-                                        type="custom", custom_icon="error",
-                                        custom_buttons=[_("_Back"), _("_Exit installer")])
-                dscb.pop()
-                if rc == 1:
-                    sys.exit(1)
-                else:
-                    self.ayum._undoDepInstalls()
-                    return DISPATCH_BACK
-        dscb.pop()
-        self.ayum.dsCallback = None
-    def doPreInstall(self, anaconda):
-        dirList = ['/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev', '/etc',
-                   '/etc/sysconfig', '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts',
-                   '/etc/X11', '/root', '/var/tmp', '/etc/rpm', '/var/cache',
-                   '/var/cache/yum', '/etc/modprobe.d']
-        # If there are any protected partitions we want to mount, create their
-        # mount points now.
-        for protected in anaconda.storage.protectedDevices:
-            if getattr(protected.format, "mountpoint", None):
-                dirList.append(protected.format.mountpoint)
-        for i in dirList:
-            try:
-                os.mkdir(ROOT_PATH + i)
-            except OSError:
-                pass
-#            log.error("Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg))
-        self.initLog(ROOT_PATH)
-        # write out the fstab
-        if not anaconda.upgrade:
-            anaconda.storage.fsset.write()
-            if os.access("/etc/modprobe.d/anaconda.conf", os.R_OK):
-                shutil.copyfile("/etc/modprobe.d/anaconda.conf", 
-                                ROOT_PATH + "/etc/modprobe.d/anaconda.conf")
-            network.write_sysconfig_network()
-            network.disableIPV6()
-            network.copyConfigToPath(ROOT_PATH)
-            if not anaconda.ksdata:
-                anaconda.instClass.setNetworkOnbootDefault()
-            anaconda.storage.write()
-        else:
-            # ensure that /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/self/mounts
-            anaconda.storage.makeMtab()
-    def doInstall(self, anaconda):
-        log.info("Preparing to install packages")
-        if not anaconda.upgrade:
-            rpm.addMacro("__dbi_htconfig",
-                         "hash nofsync %{__dbi_other} %{__dbi_perms}")
-        if anaconda.ksdata and anaconda.ksdata.packages.excludeDocs:
-            rpm.addMacro("_excludedocs", "1")
-        cb = AnacondaCallback(self.ayum, anaconda,
-                              self.instLog, self.modeText)
-        cb.setSizes(len(self.dlpkgs), self.totalSize, self.totalFiles)
-        rc = self.ayum.run(self.instLog, cb, anaconda.intf)
-        if cb.initWindow is not None:
-            cb.initWindow.pop()
-        self.instLog.write("*** FINISHED INSTALLING PACKAGES ***")
-        self.instLog.close ()
-        anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass(None)
-        if rc == DISPATCH_BACK:
-            return DISPATCH_BACK
-    def doPostInstall(self, anaconda):
-        if anaconda.upgrade:
-            w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Post Upgrade"),
-                                    _("Performing post-upgrade configuration"))
-        else:
-            w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Post Installation"),
-                                    _("Performing post-installation configuration"))
-        packages.rpmSetupGraphicalSystem(anaconda)
-        for repo in self.ayum.repos.listEnabled():
-            repo.dirCleanup()
-        # expire yum caches on upgrade
-        if anaconda.upgrade and os.path.exists("%s/var/cache/yum" %(ROOT_PATH,)):
-            log.info("Expiring yum caches")
-            try:
-                iutil.execWithRedirect("yum", ["clean", "all"],
-                                       stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5",
-                                       root = ROOT_PATH)
-            except RuntimeError:
-                pass
-        # nuke preupgrade
-        if flags.cmdline.has_key("preupgrade") and os.path.exists("%s/var/cache/yum/anaconda-upgrade" %(ROOT_PATH,)):
-            try:
-                shutil.rmtree("%s/var/cache/yum/anaconda-upgrade" %(ROOT_PATH,))
-            except (OSError, IOError):
-                pass
-        # XXX: write proper lvm config
-        AnacondaBackend.doPostInstall(self, anaconda)
-        w.pop()
-    def kernelVersionList(self):
-        # FIXME: using rpm here is a little lame, but otherwise, we'd
-        # be pulling in filelists
-        return packages.rpmKernelVersionList()
-    def __getGroupId(self, group):
-        """Get the groupid for the given name (english or translated)."""
-        for g in self.ayum.comps.groups:
-            if group == g.name:
-                return g.groupid
-            for trans in g.translated_name.values():
-                if group == trans:
-                    return g.groupid
-    def isGroupSelected(self, group):
-        try:
-            grp = self.ayum.comps.return_group(group)
-            if grp.selected: return True
-        except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
-            pass
-        return False
-    def selectGroup(self, group, *args):
-        if not self.ayum.comps.has_group(group):
-            log.debug("no such group %s" % group)
-            raise NoSuchGroup, group
-        types = ["mandatory"]
-        if args:
-            if args[0][0]:
-                types.append("default")
-            if args[0][1]:
-                types.append("optional")
-        else:
-            types.append("default")
-        try:
-            mbrs = self.ayum.selectGroup(group, group_package_types=types)
-            if len(mbrs) == 0 and self.isGroupSelected(group):
-                return
-        except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
-            # try to find out if it's the name or translated name
-            gid = self.__getGroupId(group)
-            if gid is not None:
-                mbrs = self.ayum.selectGroup(gid, group_package_types=types)
-                if len(mbrs) == 0 and self.isGroupSelected(gid):
-                    return
-            else:
-                log.debug("no such group %s" %(group,))
-                raise NoSuchGroup, group
-    def deselectGroup(self, group, *args):
-        try:
-            self.ayum.deselectGroup(group, force=True)
-        except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
-            # try to find out if it's the name or translated name
-            gid = self.__getGroupId(group)
-            if gid is not None:
-                self.ayum.deselectGroup(gid, force=True)
-            else:
-                log.debug("no such group %s" %(group,))
-    def selectPackage(self, pkg, *args):
-        if self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=pkg):
-            return 0
-        try:
-            mbrs = self.ayum.install(pattern=pkg)
-            return len(mbrs)
-        except yum.Errors.InstallError:
-            log.debug("no package matching %s" %(pkg,))
-            return 0
-    def deselectPackage(self, pkg, *args):
-        sp = pkg.rsplit(".", 2)
-        txmbrs = []
-        if len(sp) == 2:
-            txmbrs = self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=sp[0], arch=sp[1])
-        if len(txmbrs) == 0:
-            exact, match, unmatch = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.ayum.pkgSack.returnPackages(), [pkg], casematch=1)
-            for p in exact + match:
-                txmbrs.append(p)
-        if len(txmbrs) > 0:
-            for x in txmbrs:
-                self.ayum.tsInfo.remove(x.pkgtup)
-                # we also need to remove from the conditionals
-                # dict so that things don't get pulled back in as a result
-                # of them.  yes, this is ugly.  conditionals should die.
-                for req, pkgs in self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals.iteritems():
-                    if x in pkgs:
-                        pkgs.remove(x)
-                        self.ayum.tsInfo.conditionals[req] = pkgs
-            return len(txmbrs)
-        else:
-            log.debug("no such package %s to remove" %(pkg,))
-            return 0
-    def groupListExists(self, grps):
-        """Returns bool of whether all of the given groups exist."""
-        for gid in grps:
-            g = self.ayum.comps.return_group(gid)
-            if not g:
-                log.debug("no such group %s" % (gid,))
-                return False
-        return True
-    def groupListDefault(self, grps):
-        """Returns bool of whether all of the given groups are default"""
-        rc = False
-        for gid in grps:
-            g = self.ayum.comps.return_group(gid)
-            if g and not g.default:
-                return False
-            elif g:
-                rc = True
-        return rc
-    def writeConfiguration(self):
-        return
-    def postAction(self, anaconda):
-        self.ayum.close()
-        self.ayum.closeRpmDB()
-        iutil.resetRpmDb()
-class DownloadHeaderProgress:
-    def __init__(self, intf, ayum=None):
-        window = intf.progressWindow(_("Installation Starting"),
-                                     _("Starting installation process"),
-                                     1.0, 0.01)
-        self.window = window
-        self.ayum = ayum
-        self.current = self.loopstart = 0
-        self.incr = 1
-        if self.ayum is not None and self.ayum.tsInfo is not None:
-            self.numpkgs = len(self.ayum.tsInfo.getMembers())
-            if self.numpkgs != 0:
-                self.incr = (1.0 / self.numpkgs) * (1.0 - self.loopstart)
-        else:
-            self.numpkgs = 0
-        self.refresh()
-        self.restartLoop = self.downloadHeader = self.transactionPopulation = self.refresh
-        self.procReq = self.procConflict = self.unresolved = self.noop
-    def noop(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        pass
-    def pkgAdded(self, *args):
-        if self.numpkgs:
-            self.set(self.current + self.incr)
-    def pop(self):
-        self.window.pop()
-    def refresh(self, *args):
-        self.window.refresh()
-    def set(self, value):
-        self.current = value
-        self.window.set(self.current)
-class YumDepSolveProgress:
-    def __init__(self, intf, ayum = None):
-        window = intf.progressWindow(_("Dependency Check"),
-                                     _("Checking dependencies in packages selected for installation"),
-                                     1.0, 0.01)
-        self.window = window
-        self.numpkgs = None
-        self.loopstart = None
-        self.incr = None
-        self.ayum = ayum
-        self.current = 0
-        self.restartLoop = self.downloadHeader = self.transactionPopulation = self.refresh
-        self.procReq = self.procConflict = self.unresolved = self.noop
-    def tscheck(self, num = None):
-        self.refresh()
-        if num is None and self.ayum is not None and self.ayum.tsInfo is not None:
-            num = len(self.ayum.tsInfo.getMembers())
-        if num:
-            self.numpkgs = num
-            self.loopstart = self.current
-            self.incr = (1.0 / num) * ((1.0 - self.loopstart) / 2)
-    def pkgAdded(self, *args):
-        if self.numpkgs:
-            self.set(self.current + self.incr)
-    def noop(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        pass
-    def refresh(self, *args):
-        self.window.refresh()
-    def set(self, value):
-        self.current = value
-        self.window.set(self.current)
-    def start(self):
-        self.set(0.0)
-        self.refresh()
-    def end(self):
-        self.window.set(1.0)
-        self.window.refresh()
-    def pop(self):
-        self.window.pop()
-# We don't have reasonable hook for sackSetup, and it
-# is fairly fast, so we use just waitWindow here
-class SackSetupProgress:
-    def __init__(self, intf):
-        self.intf = intf
-    def connect(self, repo):
-        if repo.name is None:
-            txt = _("Retrieving installation information.")
-        else:
-            txt = _("Retrieving installation information for %s.")%(repo.name)
-        self.window = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Installation Progress"), txt)
-    def disconnect(self):
-        self.window.pop()
-class RepoSetupPulseProgress:
-    def __init__(self, intf):
-        self.intf = intf
-        self.repo = None
-    def connect(self, repo):
-        self.repo = repo
-        if repo.name is None:
-            txt = _("Retrieving installation information.")
-        else:
-            txt = _("Retrieving installation information for %s.")%(repo.name)
-        self.window = self.intf.progressWindow(_("Installation Progress"),
-                                               txt,
-                                               1.0, pulse=True)
-        repo.setCallback(self)
-    def disconnect(self):
-        self.window.pop()
-        self.repo.setCallback(None)
-    def refresh(self, *args):
-        self.window.refresh()
-    def set(self):
-        self.window.pulse()
-    def start(self, filename, url, basename, size, text):
-        log.debug("Grabbing  %s" % url)
-        self.set()
-        self.refresh()
-    def update(self, read):
-        self.set()
-        self.refresh()
-    def end(self, read):
-        self.set()
-        self.window.refresh()

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