container management for anaconda's custom spoke

David Lehman dlehman at
Mon Apr 22 15:22:47 UTC 2013

This makes the "edit VG" stuff into "edit container" where container
could be either an LVM VG or a BTRFS volume. It moves container-wide
settings like encryption and raid into the container dialog so users
can have some sense of what they're setting up (encrypt a single lv
versus encrypt the entire vg).

This also adds support for creating lvm-on-md, which the user can
get by setting a raid level other than None for their VG.

Some things that probably need to be done, but not necessarily now:
 1. make encryption of an lv and its vg mutually exclusive
 2. ditto for raid (don't allow a striped lv in a vg that has md pvs)

I spent the better part of two weeks testing this, but that should
provide little comfort given the number of paths through custom storage.

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