[PATCH 2/2] Remove storageComplete, which was only called from dispatch.py.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Fri Oct 26 19:37:45 UTC 2012

 pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py | 64 ------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py b/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py
index 0726a1c..0b66367 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py
@@ -110,70 +110,6 @@ def storageInitialize(storage, ksdata, protected):
                                          if d.name not in ksdata.ignoredisk.ignoredisk]
             log.debug("onlyuse is now: %s" % (",".join(ksdata.ignoredisk.onlyuse)))
-# dispatch.py helper function
-def storageComplete(anaconda):
-    devs = anaconda.storage.devicetree.getDevicesByType("luks/dm-crypt")
-    existing_luks = False
-    new_luks = False
-    for dev in devs:
-        if dev.exists:
-            existing_luks = True
-        else:
-            new_luks = True
-    if (anaconda.storage.encryptedAutoPart or new_luks) and \
-       not anaconda.storage.encryptionPassphrase:
-        while True:
-            (passphrase, retrofit) = anaconda.intf.getLuksPassphrase(preexist=existing_luks)
-            if passphrase:
-                anaconda.storage.encryptionPassphrase = passphrase
-                anaconda.storage.encryptionRetrofit = retrofit
-                break
-            else:
-                rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Encrypt device?"),
-                            _("You specified block device encryption "
-                              "should be enabled, but you have not "
-                              "supplied a passphrase. If you do not "
-                              "go back and provide a passphrase, "
-                              "block device encryption will be "
-                              "disabled."),
-                              type="custom",
-                              custom_buttons=[_("Back"), _("Continue")],
-                              default=0)
-                if rc == 1:
-                    log.info("user elected to not encrypt any devices.")
-                    undoEncryption(anaconda.storage)
-                    anaconda.storage.encryptedAutoPart = False
-                    break
-    if anaconda.storage.encryptionPassphrase:
-        for dev in anaconda.storage.devices:
-            if dev.format.type == "luks" and not dev.format.exists and \
-               not dev.format.hasKey:
-                dev.format.passphrase = anaconda.storage.encryptionPassphrase
-    map(lambda d: anaconda.storage.services.update(d.services),
-        anaconda.storage.devices)
-    if anaconda.ksdata:
-        return
-    rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm"),
-                                _("The partitioning options you have selected "
-                                  "will now be written to disk.  Any "
-                                  "data on deleted or reformatted partitions "
-                                  "will be lost."),
-                                type = "custom", custom_icon="warning",
-                                custom_buttons=[_("Go _Back"),
-                                                _("_Write Changes to Disk")],
-                                default = 0)
-    # Make sure that all is down, even the disks that we setup after popluate.
-    anaconda.storage.devicetree.teardownAll()
-    if rc == 0:
-        return DISPATCH_BACK
 def turnOnFilesystems(storage):
     upgrade = "preupgrade" in flags.cmdline

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