[PATCH 1/3] Add a password verification method to users.py

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Fri Oct 12 07:40:35 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-10-11 at 19:21 -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
> +def validatePassword(pw, confirm, minlen=6):
> +    # Do various steps to validate the password
> +    # Return an error string, or None for no errors
> +    # If inital checks pass, pwquality will be tested.  Raises
> +    # from pwquality will pass up to the calling code
> +
> +    # if both pw and confirm are blank, password is disabled.
> +    if (pw and not confirm) or (confirm and not pw):
> +        error = _("You must enter your root password "
> +                  "and confirm it by typing it a second "
> +                  "time to continue.")
> +        return error
> +
> +    if pw != confirm:
> +        error = _("The passwords you entered were "
> +                  "different.  Please try again.")
> +        return error
> +
> +    legal = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + " "
> +    for letter in pw:
> +        if letter not in legal:
> +            error = _("Requested password contains "
> +                      "non-ASCII characters, which are "
> +                      "not allowed.")
> +            return error
You could replace for and if with:

if not all(letter in legal for letter in pw)

But I guess both are equally good, so it's up to you.

Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic

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