[PATCH] Add support for parsing 'install classes' to the comps file.

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Wed Jul 18 19:56:19 UTC 2012

Install classes are a construct for use in anaconda for installing the
system. They consist of:
- id
- name
- description
- display order
- a list of groups that make up that install class
- a list of groups that are options for that install class

Expected usage case is that anaconda will offer for you to pick an
install class, and once you've done so, offer you the list of options
to optionally install.
 yum/comps.py |  197 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+)

diff --git a/yum/comps.py b/yum/comps.py
index 65f6d5e..880d373 100755
--- a/yum/comps.py
+++ b/yum/comps.py
@@ -272,6 +272,128 @@ class Group(CompsObj):
         return msg      
+class InstallClass(CompsObj):
+    """ Installation class object parsed from group data in each repo, and merged """
+    def __init__(self, elem=None):
+        self.name = ""
+        self.classid = None
+        self.description = ""
+        self.translated_name = {}
+        self.translated_description = {}
+        self.display_order = 1024
+        self._groups = {}
+        self._options = {}
+        if elem:
+            self.parse(elem)
+    def _groupiter(self):
+        return self._groups.keys()
+    groups = property(_groupiter)
+    def _optioniter(self):
+        return self._options.keys()
+    options = property(_optioniter)
+    def parse(self, elem):
+        for child in elem:
+            if child.tag == 'id':
+                myid = child.text
+                if self.classid is not None:
+                    raise CompsException
+                self.classid = myid
+            elif child.tag == 'name':
+                text = child.text
+                if text:
+                    text = text.encode('utf8')
+                lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
+                if lang:
+                    self.translated_name[lang] = text
+                else:
+                    self.name = text
+            elif child.tag == 'description':
+                text = child.text
+                if text:
+                    text = text.encode('utf8')
+                lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
+                if lang:
+                    self.translated_description[lang] = text
+                else:
+                    self.description = text
+            elif child.tag == 'grouplist':
+                self.parse_group_list(child)
+            elif child.tag == 'optionlist':
+                self.parse_option_list(child)
+            elif child.tag == 'display_order':
+                self.display_order = parse_number(child.text)
+    def parse_group_list(self, grouplist_elem):
+        for child in grouplist_elem:
+            if child.tag == 'groupid':
+                groupid = child.text
+                self._groups[groupid] = 1
+    def parse_option_list(self, optionlist_elem):
+        for child in optionlist_elem:
+            if child.tag == 'groupid':
+                optionid = child.text
+                self._options[optionid] = 1
+    def add(self, obj):
+        """Add another category object to this object"""
+        for grp in obj.groups:
+            self._groups[grp] = 1
+        for grp in obj.options:
+            self._options[grp] = 1
+        # name and description translations
+        for lang in obj.translated_name:
+            if lang not in self.translated_name:
+                self.translated_name[lang] = obj.translated_name[lang]
+        for lang in obj.translated_description:
+            if lang not in self.translated_description:
+                self.translated_description[lang] = obj.translated_description[lang]
+    def xml(self):
+        """write out an xml stanza for the installclass object"""
+        msg ="""
+  <installclass>
+   <id>%s</id>
+   <display_order>%s</display_order>\n""" % (self.classid, self.display_order)
+        msg +="""   <name>%s</name>\n""" % self.name
+        for (lang, val) in self.translated_name.items():
+            msg += """   <name xml:lang="%s">%s</name>\n""" % (lang, val)
+        msg += """   <description>%s</description>\n""" % self.description
+        for (lang, val) in self.translated_description.items():
+            msg += """    <description xml:lang="%s">%s</description>\n""" % (lang, val)
+        msg += """    <grouplist>\n"""
+        for grp in self.groups:
+            msg += """     <groupid>%s</groupid>\n""" % grp
+        msg += """    </grouplist>\n"""
+        msg += """    <optionlist>\n"""
+        for grp in self.options:
+            msg += """     <optionid>%s</optionid>\n""" % grp
+        msg += """    </optionlist>\n"""
+        msg += """  </installclass>\n"""
+        return msg
 class Category(CompsObj):
     """ Category object parsed from group data in each repo. and merged. """
@@ -376,6 +498,7 @@ class Category(CompsObj):
 class Comps(object):
     def __init__(self, overwrite_groups=False):
         self._groups = {}
+        self._installclasses = {}
         self._categories = {}
         self.compscount = 0
         self.overwrite_groups = overwrite_groups
@@ -388,12 +511,18 @@ class Comps(object):
         grps.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
         return grps
+    def get_installclasses(self):
+        classes = self._installclasses.values()
+        classes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
+        return classes
     def get_categories(self):
         cats = self._categories.values()
         cats.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
         return cats
     groups = property(get_groups)
+    installclasses = property(get_installclasses)
     categories = property(get_categories)
     def has_group(self, grpid):
@@ -447,6 +576,57 @@ class Comps(object):
         return returns.values()
+    def has_installclass(self, classid):
+        exists = self.return_installclasses(classid)
+        if exists:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def return_installclass(self, classid):
+        """Return the first group which matches"""
+        classes = self.return_installclasses(classid)
+        if classes:
+            return classes[0]
+        return None
+    def return_installclasses(self, class_pattern, case_sensitive=False):
+        """return all installclasses which match either by glob or exact match"""
+        returns = {}
+        for item in class_pattern.split(','):
+            item = item.strip()
+            if item in self._installclasses:
+                thisclass = self._installclasses[item]
+                returns[thisclass.classid] = thisclass
+                continue
+            if case_sensitive:
+                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
+            else:
+                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
+            done = False
+            for aclass in self.installclasses:
+                for name in aclass.name, aclass.classid, aclass.ui_name:
+                    if match(name):
+                        done = True
+                        returns[aclass.classid] = aclass
+                        break
+            if done:
+                continue
+            # If we didn't match to anything in the current locale, try others
+            for aclass in self.installclasses:
+                for name in aclass.translated_name.values():
+                    if match(name):
+                        returns[aclass.classid] = aclass
+                        break
+        return returns.values()
     #  This is close to returnPackages() etc. API ... need to std. these names
     # the above return_groups uses different, but equal, API.
     def return_categories(self, pattern, ignore_case=True):
@@ -490,6 +670,13 @@ class Comps(object):
             self._groups[group.groupid] = group
+    def add_installclass(self, installclass):
+        if installclass.classid in self._installclasses:
+            thatclass = self._installclasses[installclass.classid]
+            thatclass.add(installclass)
+        else:
+            self._installclasses[installclass.classid] = installclass
     def add_category(self, category):
         if category.categoryid in self._categories:
             thatcat = self._categories[category.categoryid]
@@ -520,6 +707,9 @@ class Comps(object):
                 if elem.tag == "group":
                     group = Group(elem)
+                if elem.tag == "installclass":
+                    installclass = InstallClass(elem)
+                    self.add_installclass(installclass)
                 if elem.tag == "category":
                     category = Category(elem)
@@ -595,6 +785,13 @@ def main():
             for pkg in group.packages:
                 print '  ' + pkg
+        for installclass in p.installclasses:
+            print installclass.name
+            for group in installclass.groups:
+                print '  ' + group
+            for group in installclass.options:
+                print '  *' + group
         for category in p.categories:
             print category.name
             for group in category.groups:

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