custom partitioning backend

David Lehman dlehman at
Thu Aug 9 19:28:19 UTC 2012

Here's your stinking pony. I hope you like it, because I worked
really hard to get it for you.

These get us the basic framework we need to do custom partitioning
the way we decided to do it for newui.

There are several TODO and FIXME items in here, but if I sit on these
until they are perfect we won't have custom partitioning for F18.

Some of the highlights:

- the custom ui uses a copy of the main Storage instance to
  track devices, actions, and do test partition allocations
  (mostly patches 7 and 11)
- adds Storage.newDevice to enable creating devices based on a
  top-down specification, eg: "create 20 GB ext4 / on lvm using
  disks sda and sdb"

Slightly less important, but significant IMO:

- auto-generated device names now include the product name
  instead of a prefix indicating device type, so if your
  system would normally end up with "vg-testhost-lv_root",
  you'll now end up with "fedora_testhost-root"
- SizeSet classes enable us to manage growth across a set
  of partition requests to ensure that all members of a
  RAID set end up with the same size

Of course there are a whole bunch of other little things that
either fix bugs or clean stuff up.

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