RESTful API documentation tool and more

Martin Povolny mpovolny at
Mon Jan 28 09:05:04 UTC 2013

Gentlemen, I would like to bring to your attention an interesting
project by our brothers in arms from the Katello project "Apipie-rails".

The tool brings creating RESTful APIs in Rails to a new (higher) level.

>From the endless list of benefits you get I pick a few:

 * declarative syntax (through DSL)
 * validators for parameters
 * versioning
 * possibility to reuse the definitions for (client) code generation or
   or test generation
 * actively maintained, tested
 * githup hosted
 * used in Katello and Foreman
 * 100% Ruby and Ruby on Rails Way(tm)

Happy hacking!

Martin Povolny <mpovolny at>
tel. +420777714458

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