Musing: Hyperscale computing and us

Lukas Zapletal lzap at
Wed Apr 17 15:06:53 UTC 2013

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 02:50:54PM -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:
> I had lunch yesterday with some people who happened to be pretty
> familiar with this, and what's dubbed the "hyperscale" paradigm. The
> idea is that, instead of some dense servers and running VMs on them,
> you go for a massive number of very low-power servers. These Atoms
> seem to use something in the ballpark of 10W, but there's also a lot
> of interest in ARM chips where you can get much lower usage. And
> apparently, 45 nodes in 4.3U is nothing. Look at HP's Redstone[2]
> for example, which fit 288 ARM chips into a 4U chassis.

FYI HP Moonshot will support other chip vendors by end of 13, as they
promise (AMD, ARM...)

> I think it's too soon to be able to do a lot, but I think this is
> something worth thinking about. Can we effectively bring what we do
> in the cloud to "hyperscale" physical nodes?

There is already Foreman which handles bare-metal efficiently. Maybe it
worths to integrate some more effort into the Foreman.


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 irc: lzap #theforeman

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