A branching-out suggestion: virt-manager for cloud

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Mon Apr 8 15:00:25 UTC 2013

On Mon Apr  8 10:03:58 2013, Jozef Zigmund wrote:

> On Fri, 2013-04-05 at 16:30 -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:

>> It could just be a GUI client for Deltacloud. Maybe Qt, as Nitesh's
>> specialty.
> I've checked the code and I'd like to try playing with QtQuick[3]. I
> feel that it could be great opportunity to have some real app for use it
> there and have a fun with it.

I have to confess to being almost totally oblivious to Qt, but that 
looks pretty interesting. I should check it out too!

> The truth is that the functionality is overlapping WM project's
> functionality. Still the difference, that can attract "other" type of
> people, that doesnt want to run N-# of web-based apps, can be target of
> desktop app.

I'm going back and forth about how much they really overlap. It's true 
that they'd do the same thing, but I think it could also be argued that 
they're both just in the same category, as "graphical Deltacloud 
clients." You could also argue that Chrome and elinks overlap, but they 
serve different crowds/purposes. I'm not sure the overlap is a bad thing.

I totally agree about the different groups of people that might be 
interested. I think it could be a big win.

> If desktop app hit some community support, it can help to improve UX in
> WM also.

Yes! I think the UX in Winged Monkey is actually something polished 
that's had a lot of care put into it, but I think that more generally, 
having multiple apps serving different purposes will allow us to learn 
lessons in one app and apply them to others, ultimately making a much 
better set of products that help more users.

> @matt: does 'aeolus-gui' exist as the package for fedora ?

Not to my knowledge, but I'll let Nitesh answer definitively.

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