A branching-out suggestion: virt-manager for cloud

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Mon Apr 8 13:57:04 UTC 2013

On Mon Apr  8 05:16:48 2013, Tomas Sedovic wrote:
> While reading this, Winged Monkey came to my mind as well. But if you
> need a more fine-grained access, the Deltacloud's is pretty cool. It
> exposes everything the API does.
> Just go to http://localhost:3001/api
> Matt, to clarify. Are you asking specifically about a desktop app or
> would a web-based solution suffice?
> Thomas

I was specifically thinking a desktop application. Admittedly, it was 
colored because I was chatting with Nitesh and desktop apps are 
something he's worked on before.

But I think there's another advantage, which is that a desktop app 
requires no "IT" type setup. For Winged Monkey, someone, somewhere is 
going to set it up. That's quite fine, but I like the idea of being able 
to just download an app on my laptop and manage clouds, without having 
to set up any app. (Well, except for Deltacloud... Unless there were an 
embedded client.)

-- Matt

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