conductor / aeolus-cli in fedora

Scott Seago sseago at
Thu Apr 4 16:19:19 UTC 2013

On 04/04/2013 11:34 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> On 4/4/13 10:22 AM, Mo Morsi wrote:
>> Is there any interest in continuing to support conductor / aeolus-cli in
>> Fedora? The packages are currently broken there and from what I gather
>> the team's been more focused on development and releasing gems recently.
>> Unless there are any objections, I will retire the packages. If there is
>> demand for support in Fedora in the future, we can easily loop back
>> around then.
> While I'm sorry to see them go, I think it's the best course of 
> action. They've been broken for a long time, and I think that having 
> broken packages is considerably worse than having no packages. If 
> someone were committed to maintaining them, they've been MIA for months.
> I vote to pull them from Fedora, but to maybe think as we go forward 
> about maybe continuing to package RPMs, just not in Fedora. The 
> pure-Ruby approach / dev-tools approach is great for developers, but 
> I'm not sure how well it will work for people wanting to run Aeolus 
> "for real."
> -- Matt
Yeah -- not only that, the list of conductor deps that are not in fedora 
has grown as well (tim, ldap_fluff, (shortly) alberich, etc.), so 
getting the packages working wouldn't just be a matter of fixing them, 
but also a matter of getting new dependencies into fedora at the same time.


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