Need some help getting BZ751088 reviewed

Greg Blomquist gblomqui at
Thu Sep 27 16:02:07 UTC 2012

Hi guys,

I've put a pull request in for and we want to
get it in for Beta3 (Oct1 puddle).  I've put in detailed 
instructions in the bug for validation steps, but still need 
someone to review the patch and run through the validation.

The sticky points:

1) Requires setting up and configuring a configsever.  In all 
honesty, this is pretty straightforward: install from brew RPM and
run aeolus-configserver-setup on the same box where conductor
is running.

2) Requires deploying to a non-EC2 back end (e.g., rhev).  This
can be a pain b/c not all of us have access to a rhev cluster,
and those that do may not have configured conductor to deploy
to rhev.  Even if you know of a rhev cluster, you also need
access to the rhevm admin UI so that you can get the IP address
from the launched instances and validate the launch worked
correctly and the configurations succeeded.

It's a tall order, but I'm hoping someone can jump in an take it



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