Options for/Issues with BZ821341

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Sep 26 13:24:11 UTC 2012

This patch makes a simple fix that should match the output of the ui
in cli.  The issue remaining here is that both messages are not i18n
strings.  If that is acceptable, this patch can be used as is.  If
not, we need to see if:
A) nokogiri is capable of generating an i18n string for the error (we
cannot reasonably put it in the dictionary, in my opinion, as the
string may change depending on what is wrong with the xml).
B) we can make the api and ui controller methods call TemplateXML in
the same way, and alter the called validation method to return a
generic i18n parse message, along with the actual noko message (this
part may not be reable for the user, depending on their language).
This message is currently silently swalloed in the TemplateXML
validate instance method, so that would need to be fixed as well.

Any i18n requirement here has the additonal (possible) issue of
displaying i18n in the cli output.  I do not know the code well enough
to know if we pass in the user's system language setting, so conductor
knows what language to return.  If we do not already do this, I do not
know how much work it would be to add.

Lastly, if we push the validation back into conductor (where it should
be, imo), there is one other place we woudl need to fix the same way
(import_command, I think it was).


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