Concept: Move Redmine to its own subdomain

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Fri Sep 14 13:36:38 UTC 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:21:04AM +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
> That'll break Redmine (
> pretty much on the spot.
> So, we need to think of a way around that.  Something
> like moving Redmine to its own domain.
> (
> Does anyone know of a better approach, or know if this
> would be a Really Bad Idea™? :)

When I looked at moving Redmine to OpenShift a while ago, I was thinking
that this was the way we'd have to do it. I think it's doable and our
best option if we do this.

The one thing is that it will break all existing links, and if we're
moving to GitHub Pages, we can't just set up a mod_rewrite rule.

If we think we want to do this, I would propose that we move Redmine off
to a subdomain ASAP (like, Monday), and set up some mod_rewrite
fanciness to redirect everyone. That way users get acclimated to it,
people can update their bookmarks, and search engines pick up the

Then, when we move the site to GitHub Pages, it's pretty seamless. The
mod_rewrite rule would have to go away since we weren't hosting the root
of the domain any more, but as long as we set it up ahead of time I
think that's fine.

-- Matt

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