[PATCH conductor] additional fix for 798516: conditional logic/ruby version behavior

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Mon Sep 10 15:49:24 UTC 2012

On 10/09/12 11:40 -0400, Scott Seago wrote:
>Apparently on f16/ruby 1.8, the conditional block with 'or' and 'not' is
>not working as expected. I don't know if it's a ruby bug or something else
>but it doesn't matter in this case -- using '!' and '||' is the right
>way to do the conditional anyway.

Visual, ACK, feel free to push this.  I don't like seeing our rampant
usage of and|or|not anyway, I think it will leads to lots of bugs like
this due to the unexpected changes in order of precendence.  I suggest
we try to move to the more standard operators throughout the codebase
(I'd go so far as to NACK an introductions of new AND|OR|NOT usage).


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