Rails 4.0 Talk?

Martyn Taylor mtaylor at redhat.com
Thu Nov 29 12:12:47 UTC 2012


It appears that Rails 4.0 is just around the corner.  I wonder if any of 
you guys have looked into any of the new features yet and would be 
willing to give a talk to the rest of the team?

It will be worth while looking at what Rails 4.0 can offer us as early 
as possible; as this may impact some of our decisions moving forward.  
One feature in particular is the job scheduler API.  Which would mean we 
can get rid of delayed job.  I'm also interested to hear about the new 
AR changes and if the default REST API has been improved.

If we don't have any takers just yet, maybe we can schedule some time 
for one person to do a bit of research and present to the group.  I'd be 
happy to do this post next sprint.




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