Technical Cabal inaugural meeting

Michal Fojtik mfojtik at
Wed Nov 14 15:42:50 UTC 2012

On Nov 14, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Jiří Stránský <jstransk at> wrote:

> On 12.11.2012 13:32, Hugh Brock wrote:
>> For now, this mailing list is the vehicle for adding items to the
>> agenda. We may move all the non-patch stuff to a separate mailing list
>> later if required.
> I invoke the magical powers of Technical Cabal, seeking guidance on the following:
> * API - listings (#index action in controllers). Besides listing shallow resources (just showing id and href), should we provide also means for listing full resource representations? If so, how should clients specify in the request which version do they want?
> * API - how should we implement state changes of deployables/deployments/instances. This has been already discussed on the list ( and also on the Aeolus Dev Conference, with no apparent agreement reached. Change state via PUTs, or model state as subresource, or something else? What about callbacks when state change is completed or fails?
> These two things just popped up when I discussed Winged Monkey's requirements for Conductor API with Mainn. So maybe it would be good to take Winged Monkey into account as a "persona for our API" when making those decisions :)
> I'm not sure how soon we need these questions sorted out, but I guess they should be among our priorities.

How about this?

A small etherpad for start :-) Everyone just feel free to put your questions/agenda items there.

  -- Michal

Michal Fojtik
mfojtik at

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