updating gems

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Tue Nov 13 22:00:32 UTC 2012

On 11/07/2012 10:12 PM, Mo Morsi wrote:
> Before jumping back into isitfedoraruby, I plan on pushing some long
> overdue updates to some of the gems I maintain.

The following packages have been updated in rawhide:

- thor:            0.14.6 -> 0.16.0 (BZ #843898, vit took care of)
- childprocess:    0.2.0  -> 0.3.6  (BZ #873320)
- minitest:        2.10.1 -> 4.2.0  (BZ #798247)
- ZenTest:         4.6.2  -> 4.8.2  (BZ #828262)
- sexp_processor:  3.0.4  -> 4.1.2  (BZ #843897)
- sass:            3.1.20 -> 3.2.2  (BZ #847675)
- webmock:         1.8.7  -> 1.9.0  (BZ #842655)
- treetop:         1.4.11 -> 1.4.12 (BZ #871769)
- uuidtools:       2.1.2  -> 2.1.3  (BZ #840762)
- haml:            3.1.6  -> 3.1.7  (BZ #847670)
- authlogic:       3.0.3  -> 3.1.3
- cucumber:        1.1.9  -> 1.2.1
- vcr:             1.10.0 -> 2.3.0
- compass:         0.11.5 -> 0.12.2

The following are still planned / in flight:

- ruby2ruby:       1.2.4  -> 2.0.1  (BZ #843895) depends on ruby_parser
- ruby_parser:     2.0.4  -> 3.0.1  (BZ #843896) depends on
sexp_processor, just pushed to rawhide
- oauth:           0.4.4  -> 0.4.7  (BZ #746468) requires curb >=
0.17.6, we should look into updating this
- yard:            0.8.2  -> 0.8.3  (BZ #866401) some issues w/ the
specs in this one, skipping for now


Lastly I updated gru.rb [1] to handle some more edge cases.

Also added a -u <user> flag which can be passed in lieu of a package name.
If a user is given, all the fedora packages for that user will be checked
out and updated to the lasted version on rubygems.

I plan on getting back to isitfedoraruby next to add some of the features
previously discussed.


[1] https://gist.github.com/4036394

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