Publicity Cabal Agenda items?

Justin Clift jclift at
Mon Nov 12 18:19:49 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Looking for Agenda items for the initial meeting of
the Publicity Cabal.

Obvious one:

 + Cabal membership.  We have more volunteers for
   membership than fits in the "5-7 people" range
   initially proposed.

   We'll need to figure out if that range is still
   ok, and/or maybe do some kind of vote thing to
   get to the final initial membership. :)

Items's I'd like to propose:

 + Some of the items from the old initial
   Community Planning etherpad might be useful:

   Let's look over it quickly and see if there are
   items there we want to take up.

 + A little while ago I created a concept event
   browser project on GitHub, so people can easily
   select events they're interested in attending

   Should we put time into making this actually
   functional?  (and if so, Node.js may not be the
   right language.  Ruby/Rails is the common skill
   set we have after all.)

What other items should be on the Agenda?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Cloud Evangelist

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