automated upstream testing is now live on

Richard Su rwsu at
Thu Jun 28 01:12:14 UTC 2012

You may have already noticed from our first build status email from 
Travis CI.

For upstream, tests are kicked off when a change is committed to 
aeolusproject/github. The tests consists of running cucumber and rspec 
in a Bundler environment and reporting their results. No rpms are 
installed and aeolus-configure is not executed.

Many tests are broken, around 18 for cucumber and around 228 for rspec. 
These are known issues because some of our tests are dependent on having 
services like deltacloud-core up. I believe Jay is already helping to 
fix some of these. The plan is to get more people on board to fix the 
others in future sprints.

The current build status can found at!/aeolusproject/conductor

More information and an evaluation of other CI providers can be found at



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