Katello-Foreman-Aeolus Integration

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Tue Jun 26 20:43:22 UTC 2012

On 06/26/2012 04:32 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 03:11:58PM -0400, Chris Alfonso wrote:
>> There has been a bit of discussion going on around how we might go about using foreman's ability to do host provisioning with aeolus and katello.  I've published some of the notes from the discussions here:
>> http://etherpad-aeolusproject.rhcloud.com/p/Katello-Foreman-Aeolus-Integration-Summary
>> http://etherpad-aeolusproject.rhcloud.com/p/Katello-Foreman-Aeolus-Integration
>> The suggested end goal of this integration is:
>> 1) Allow Katello to clone content, create a snapshot of the content (Content View).
>> 2) Generate the data needed for an Oz template and store it with the Foreman HostGroups.
>> 3) Allow Aeolus to provision guests *and* be able to use the Foreman capabilities around post-boot configuration.
>> If there are additional goals to this integration that I've overlooked and you know about them, please respond with your intel. Take a look at the use cases, and feel free to annotate or reply to this thread.
> I should mention that I recently sent some patches that extend
> aeolus-image-rubygem to include support for the Katello API[1].
> Incidentally, it still needs review. (Though it's been suggested that I
> should spin it out into its own gem, too.)
> Though I must confess that, despite this, I still don't have a solid
> understanding of all of the terminology that Katello and family use. So
> I'm still wrapping my head around some of the implications of what is
> described.

What verbiage is causing issues?

-- bk

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