
Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Jun 20 21:21:10 UTC 2012

On 20/06/12 18:33 +0200, Francesco Vollero wrote:
>Il 6/20/12 6:01 PM, Jason Guiditta ha scritto:
>>On 20/06/12 13:45 +0200, Francesco Vollero wrote:
>>>Hello fellas,
>>>I published yesterday, on my github repo[1] the skeleton of the
>>>application in
>>>$subj and I would like to ask you, *all* to give a contribution, even
>>>if small.
>>>With contribution I also mean, critics, if they're constructive :)
>>>[1] https://github.com/razorinc/templates-aeolusproject
>>What would you think about putting this in the aeolus incubator? I can
>>create the repo or set you up to do so if needed.
>That would be *awesome* !!! But I am expecting also that you will help 
>me on that :) Moreover I need the writing rights there :)
>Francesco Vollero
>Software Engineer Aeolus Project

Ok, I added you, let me know if you want me to create the repo there
for you, or when you have done it.  I'll attempt to get a good look at
the code in the next day or two.


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