Moving to Rally?

Scott Seago sseago at
Fri Jun 15 19:07:45 UTC 2012

On 06/15/2012 01:18 PM, Hugh O. Brock wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:57:17PM -0400, Dave Johnson wrote:
>> Hey,
>> So is there a plan to begin moving off of Redmine and onto Rally for
>> CloudEngine?
>> When can we anticipate this beginning and/or completed?
> Short answer: no. We will stay on Redmine until the dev and qe teams
> decide it would be useful or appropriate to move to another tool. That
> time may be never. I am certainly not going to mandate anything about
> it.
> Take care,
> --Hugh
Also, we should be careful on the upstream vs. Red Hat product 
distinction. Aeolus is the upstream project, and we use Redmine -- I 
haven't seen any serious discussion so far regarding moving to Rally. 
Cloud Engine is the Red Hat product, and, as far as I know, nothing on 
Redmine today deals explicitly with the red hat product.

Is the question that Aeolus should move from Redmine to Rally or  that 
Cloud Engine should start using Rally for things (which would leave 
upstream to use Redmine as currently)?


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