[PATCH Configure] Configure apache to use dropfiles

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Wed Jun 13 10:01:31 UTC 2012

On 06/08/2012 09:38 PM, John Eckersberg wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:56:53 +0200, Mo Morsi <mmorsi at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> One additional thing that you may want to consider when pushing this
>>>> patch is if you want to distinguish between which files are loaded from
>>>> the dropdir in the ssl and no-ssl cases. It might be simpler to load
>>>> different files to be included in the vhost config than to
>>>> conditionalize the config files themselves.
>>> I'm not following here...
>>> Are you suggesting that the config files not be templates?  And, instead
>>> make them files that have a hard-coded include?
>>> I went back and forth a few times on how to make this work, so I may
>>> have crossed some streams of consciousness in the final implementation.
>>>  It might work to move the templates back to files and have hard coded
>>> dropdir Includes since the files come from the aeolus module (i.e., are
>>> specific to aeolus, so can reference aeolus-specific names, etc.).
>> No I'm suggesting that you may want to have seperate dropdirs for the
>> ssl and no-ssl apache configurations. The dropdirs can be configured in
>> the same way they are now, eg through a puppet template.
>>   -Mo
> You're only going to have one aeolus-conductor.conf at any given time,
> which is either the SSL or plaintext vhost depending on enable_https.
> It seems unnecessary to have a different dropdir for each, when only one
> or the other will ever be active at a given time.
> If you really wanted to segment the two, it would make more sense to
> change the usage of apache::site in conductor.pp to have different
> titles depending on whether enable_https is set.  Currently both just
> use "aeolus-conductor"; the SSL case could be "aeolus-conductor-ssl",
> which would result in aeolus-conductor-ssl.conf and
> aeolus-conductor-ssl.d.

True, I was speaking more for the convenience of other tools so they
would not have to determine if ssl is enabled for Aeolus.

>From aeolus & configure's perspective agree the single dropdir makes
more sense.


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