Aeolus Papercuts

Angus Thomas athomas at
Tue Jun 12 14:42:30 UTC 2012

On 06/12/2012 03:16 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
>> >  Would anyone object to our dedicating an entire sprint to making Aeolus
>> >  practical for users?  Fixing the kind of things like the above, and what
>> >  Matt suggests?
> Amen! There are also a ton of web usability issues that need addressing,
> but haven't been top priorities yet.
> Although, I think I'd rather that we took some time out of_every_
> sprint to tame annoyances, versus spending one sprint trying to do that
> and then never looking back. But a sprint, or at least a few peoples'
> attention during a sprint, might be a great way to get the ball rolling.

It has to be a rolling process, rather than a blitz in a single sprint, 
because some of the usability issues require more design thinking than 
we can summon up in time to start all the fixes at the same time.

I don't think that's any kind of a blocker, though. We can add a number 
of current papercuts into the scope of each sprint, and, in the cases 
where we need to design our way out of a hole, we can schedule that task 
in a sprint and then implement the actual fix in the next one.

This thread is extremely useful, and everyone should throw in their pet 
hates and grievances. Once they're assembled, we can ensure that they 
translate into redmine tasks, bugzilla entries etc..

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