End of sprint packages in bodhi -- please test

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Mon Jun 11 15:22:43 UTC 2012

On 11/06/2012, at 12:37 AM, Justin Clift wrote:
> As a convenience, placed them together into a temp repo here:
>  http://mirror.salasaga.org/aeolus/0.10.0-f16/
> Also created a usable fedora-aeolus.repo file (F16 specific) which can be
> installed into /etc/yum.repos.d/ using wget or curl:
>  http://mirror.salasaga.org/aeolus/0.10.0-f16/fedora-aeolus.repo
> So far, this seems ok.  ie add that repo file, yum install aeolus-all, good
> to go.

The "seems ok" bit might have been premature.

The good:

 + Creation of accounts for oVirt, vSphere, and EC2 works fine.  Connection tests

 + Creating and launching instances in EC2 works. (only US West 1 tested)

The bad:

 + vSphere isn't working properly.

   Newly launched instances change to "Vanished" status straight after launch, even
   though they're running fine according to the VMware windows gui.  (VMware 4.1)

   This *could* be just my setup, rather than Aeolus.  ;)

The ugly:

 + oVirt instances are untested just yet.  Upon bootup my oVirt host server decided
   it doesn't want to talk to the oVirt engine server any more.

   And the oVirt engine server point blank refuses to remove this host from its
   configuration (ie to remove and re-add it).

   So, probably have to reinstall both. (ugh)

Does anyone else have a vSphere setup around they can test on?  Would be good to
know if the 0.10.0 rpms are ok with vSphere or not.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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