Aeolus Community Assessment

Mark McLoughlin markmc at
Thu Jun 7 16:49:21 UTC 2012

Hi Jay,

I've heavily snipped your reply ... because you make some really
important comments I want to highlight.

On Wed, 2012-06-06 at 11:47 -0400, Jason Guiditta wrote:

> I think the primary reason we have something as complex as we do today
> is our utter failure to get feedback early and do frequent (even if
> small) releases that add core functionality requested by users.

> I think we built far too much and made far too many assumptions about
> what our potential users would want.

> addressing a small set of useful scenarios to start with, while
> keeping in mind some of these ideas that we think people would
> want eventually.

> You can build small while thinking big.  

> we should have provided something with less functionality, and
> provided it earlier, made more of an effort to get people on board,
> and then gradually built out some of these things based on what users
> were asking for.


My perspective on the re-architecture discussion is to do exactly what
you say.

It's not about everyone rolling up their sleeves, disappearing into a
hole, rewriting all of Aeolus and resurfacing in 18 months with a new,
shiny and probably even more over-engineered Aeolus.

No, it's about taking the lessons we've learnt about what the really
core, interesting features are and making them available to as wide an
audience as possible in their most basic form.

Do that for one of our features, take the feedback, iterate on it and
build something awesome that does that feature really well. Take the
next feature (in parallel if we can) and repeat.

Don't worry too much yet about what a single integrated program that
does all of that stuff would look like, but do our very best to make
pieces that are really nice to integrate with.


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