[PULL configure] Puppet 2.7 support v2

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 09:03:28 UTC 2012

>> Invoking the updated configure on F16 works as it did before (I just
>> tried a few times w/ the default profile) so ACK provided this patchset
>> doesn't entail any functional changes, just reorganizing things. 
>> (conductor-delayed_job did fail to start, but this was the same when I
>> tried starting it manually via the command line)
>>   -Mo
> Cool.  I'm going to hold off on pushing this until the aforementioned
> "Various test and rake fixes for F17 compatibility" patches are
> reviewed.  Once those are ACKed I'll push both at the same time.
> Thanks for looking at this Mo!

Looks like Richard ack'd your patches last week, so feel free to push away



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