aeolus-configure failure on fresh F16 install

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Mon Jun 4 19:26:51 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 03:06:44PM -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Is it a known issue that aeolus-configure fails on a fresh F16 install?
> I set up a fresh install of F16 on a bare metal box, ran "yum install
> aeolus-all", which worked properly. Then I ran a basic
> "aeolus-configure" install (no provider setup), and it failed with
> multiple errors:

To be clear, this is with the main Fedora repos, _not_ with our own
repos that we discuss here[1]. So people following the directions on our
site won't be impacted, but anyone who sees Aeolus in Fedora and tries
to use it will be deeply disappointed.

-- Matt


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