[PATCH conductor 0/4] LDAP user group support (rev 1)

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Fri Jul 27 19:18:44 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 05:39:00PM -0400, Scott Seago wrote:
> To use this you need to install the ldap_fluff gem (or rpm). Configure
> doesn't yet generate the /etc/ldap_fluff.yml config file so yo need
> to configure that manually for now. Here's what's in mine that I used for testing:

ACK with nits.

* On the Global Role Grants page:
 * There is no apparent way to tell the difference between users and
   groups. An involved fix would be to clone the "Users" table to have a
   "Groups" table as well. (HTML tables, that is.) A much simpler fix
   might be to just put "(Group)" at the end of the display for group
   entries. I would accept tabling/disputing this issue if needed,
   but when I have a user "admin" and a group, "admins", it's confusing.
   If users has groups named after them, it would be very confusing.
 * For reasons I don't quite understand, the link to the "admins" group
   for me was to /users/1 instead of /user_groups/1.
* On the "Edit User Group" page (/user_groups/:id/edit), the "header"
   is just plain text, with no %h2 tag or anything.

The other nit, which we discussed on IRC and thought we could table for
now, is that I see a ton of failing cucumber tests if I run against an
"upstream" gem set, versus what Fedora provides. I don't quite
understand why, but an overwhelming number of tests fail with permission
errors. But since we haven't gotten that platform stable yet anyway, we
might as well push now and continue debugging there.

-- Matt

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