[PATCH conductor] Conductor extended with hwp functionality

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 20:58:25 UTC 2012

On 25/07/12 10:25 +0530, Samridh wrote:
>This revised patchset adds Rspec tests for the templates (very basic).
>The mapping from /api/hardware_profiles to /hardware_profiles is temporary. It is needed to test the cli functionality. It can be removed later

Ok, conditional ACK, 2 changes needed, and then I'll push the set for
1) In the spec patch, there are 2 tests that check the error string
for a RecordNotFound exception.  The format of these messages is
slightly different between rails 3.0.x and the 3.2 series, so these 2
assertions cause test failures upstream (and I think this may be why
the tests failed for me last time, at least partially).  There is
already an assertion for the code, so I think it is fine to just
remove these failing assertions, they provide little value anyway,
imo.  I have noticed this same failure in some other api tests, which
is likely where you got the example (I'll be sending a patch today or
tomorrow removing those failures as well).  To be clear the lines I am
referring to look like this:

subject.xpath('//error/message').text.should be_eql("Couldn't find
HardwareProfile with ID=#{hwp.id}")

There should be 2 of those.

2) The patch adding routes to routes.rb still doesn't apply.  It
appears that file must be out of date on your system, as I do not see
the nested provider_accounts resource under providers.  

If you can fix these trivial bits, this patchset is ready to go in,
and I will push the updated version for you once sent.


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