RFC: Adding Useful reports and Statistical Data

Jaromír Coufal jcoufal at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 10:34:21 UTC 2012

On 24.7.2012 10:12, Jirka Tomasek wrote:
> On 07/23/2012 09:48 PM, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've recently outlined a proposal to add reports and statistical data 
>> to conductor.  The link is below, but first here's a summary of the 
>> idea.
>> Conductor is currently very straightforward in what it does: it 
>> creates, modifies, and destroys entities of various types. These are 
>> the most important functions, of course, but now that they are 
>> somewhat established, I think it'd be useful to think a bit beyond 
>> that.  To give an example: when you first start up and install 
>> conductor, you'll probably want to do a lot of configuration with, 
>> say, providers and provider accounts. However, after that initial 
>> work, your needs are likely to be much different.  On the provider 
>> level, you might want to see things like utilization over the past 
>> week, or providers that have thrown errors, etc.
>> I've recently pushed a patch that provides such data to the provider 
>> index page.  It should provide a good, working illustration of what 
>> I'm talking about (and it also re-creates a missing index page, so no 
>> toes were stepped on!)  I'd like to start adding similar data to 
>> other pages, but I wanted to see other people's thoughts first.
>> A summarized goal list would be as follows:
>> a) create libraries to help with re-use of graph and statistics code
>> b) add statistics and data to various index and show pages
>> c) create a dashboard that pulls "key" information from around the 
>> website.  For example, it might include the most utilized/error-prone 
>> provider accounts and deployables; overall utilization for the past 
>> week; etc.
>> https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/Add_Targeted_Reports_and_Statistical_Data 
>> Thanks,
>> Tzu-Mainn Chen
> Hi,
> based on your providers patch, I like the idea of having statistical 
> data available, but I think it is necessary not to forget to maintain 
> the basic list of (users, pool_families, pools etc.) and possibility 
> to filter and maintain this data. As a user I want to be able to see 
> the list of providers (users etc.) and be able to filter this list, 
> remove and add data to this list. This kind of conflicts with the 
> provider statistics list as the filter there filters the data from the 
> statistics point of view. So what I propose is to keep the current 
> index views and add the "Statistics" tab that would contain the data 
> and filters you propose. Othervise we might be loosing finctionality 
> in spite of another finctionality.
> Also Jaromir could have valuable input on how to display these data.
> Jirka

without any doubts statistical data are valuable and it is really good 
to have that in our system. But as Jirka mentioned, we need to be 
careful about main purpose of administration section. Right now, 
statistics are preventing us from main point of administrators - as for 
providers it is their and account management.

In current state, imagine that you are administrators and you want to 
add account. How will you do that? It looks like very simple step. Very 
likely you will go to Administrator section, to Cloud Providers and 
then? No edit, no options, just statistical data which you are not 
interested in because you want to add account which is your current task 
as an administrator. And it will take some time, when you realize that 
you need to click on specific provider in statistical list in order to 
edit his accounts.

To be honest, right now with statistical data we are implementing new 
function, new views, but in the first line we need to revise current 
workflows in order to do such big change in UI structure as Min is 
suggesting. I just want to prevent doing things twice. There is lot of 
work to do in main stream of the application and in my opinion, spending 
time on having statistical data perfect is secondary output right now.

Idea with keeping statistics in tabs is good and I like it. I suggest 
temporarily place statistical data as one of the tabs (not the first 
one) and after revising structure we will see where to place them and 
how to display them. In a short time I will start working on fix of 
providers section to release 1.1.


Jaromír Coufal

Interaction Designer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.

Mobile: +420 724 595 508
E-mail:jcoufal at redhat.com
IRC: jcoufal at #cloudforms-ui, #aeolus, #brno

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