[PATCH Conductor 0/2] Major bundler usage change

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Thu Jul 19 18:30:21 UTC 2012

Now that I (hopefully) have your attention, this actually makes
working both upstream as a 'distro developer' simpler, see commit
message for patch 2 for directions.  Crag is also working up
directions to go in the project README, and eventually we will get the
website updated as well, though for people just installing RPMs, there
is 0 change.  

The net here is we are going to have a Gemfile in the
default checkout, making the project behave as a ruby developer would
expect, with no extra work on their part. Building rpms also does not
change, so the only thing you as a developer need to make sure you do
bundle install --path bundle
Then, when you add mew gems make sure you update the lock file (you do
this by simply updating the Gemfile with the new dep, then 'bundle
install' again, the path is remembered).  If you wish to use system
gems only, mv Gemfile Gemfile.in (just remember to update correctly
when you create your patch).  Please bring any questions/issues to
list, so others can see any problems you have, and we can make sure to
catch such scenarios in the README.  I am happy to help debug, but if
we dont capture issues somewhere, they will just happen again.


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