[PATCH conductor 3/4] Rspec tests for hwp xml templates

Samridh samridh90 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 17:09:13 UTC 2012

 .../hardware_profiles_controller_spec.rb           |  328 +++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/spec/controllers/hardware_profiles_controller_spec.rb b/src/spec/controllers/hardware_profiles_controller_spec.rb
index 00bd3d9..0e76ba0 100644
--- a/src/spec/controllers/hardware_profiles_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/src/spec/controllers/hardware_profiles_controller_spec.rb
@@ -18,122 +18,278 @@ require 'spec_helper'
 describe HardwareProfilesController do
-  fixtures :all
-  before(:each) do
-    @admin_permission = FactoryGirl.create :admin_permission
-    @admin = @admin_permission.user
+  render_views
+  shared_examples_for "having XML with hwps" do
+    # TODO: implement more attributes checks
+    subject { Nokogiri::XML(response.body) }
+    context "list of hardware_profiles" do
+      let(:xml_hwps) { subject.xpath('//hardware_profiles/hardware_profile') }
+      context "number of hardware_profiles" do
+        it { xml_hwps.size.should be_eql(number_of_hardware_profiles) }
+      end
+      it "should have correct hardware_profiles" do
+        hardware_profiles.each do |hardware_profile|
+          xml_hwp = xml_hwps.xpath("//hardware_profile[@id=\"#{hardware_profile.id}\"]")
+          xml_hwp.xpath('name').text.should be_eql(hardware_profile.name.to_s)
+          xml_hwp.xpath('@href').text.should be_eql(hardware_profile_url(hardware_profile))
+        end
+      end
+    end
-  describe "Authorization" do
+  context "UI" do
+    fixtures :all
+    before(:each) do
+      @admin_permission = FactoryGirl.create :admin_permission
+      @admin = @admin_permission.user
+    end
-    context "Admin" do
-      it "should provide ui to view all hardware profiles" do
-        mock_warden(@admin)
-        @request.accept = "text/html"
-        get :index
-        response.should be_success
-        assigns[:hardware_profiles].size.should == HardwareProfile.count
-        response.should render_template("index")
-      end
+    describe "Authorization" do
+      context "Admin" do
+        it "should provide ui to view all hardware profiles" do
+          mock_warden(@admin)
+          @request.accept = "text/html"
+          get :index
+          response.should be_success
+          assigns[:hardware_profiles].size.should == HardwareProfile.count
+          response.should render_template("index")
+        end
-      it "should be able to create hardware profiles" do
-        mock_warden(@admin)
-        lambda do
-          post :create, :commit => 'Save', :hardware_profile => {
-            :name => 'test',
+        it "should be able to create hardware profiles" do
+          mock_warden(@admin)
+          lambda do
+            post :create, :commit => 'Save', :hardware_profile => {
+              :name => 'test',
+              :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
+              :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
+              :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
+              :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
+            }
+          end.should change(HardwareProfile, :count).by(1)
+          HardwareProfile.find_by_name('test').should_not be_nil
+          response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
+        end
+        it "should be able to edit hardware profiles" do
+          hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
+          mock_warden(@admin)
+          put :update, :id => hardware_profile.id, :hardware_profile => {
+            :name => 'updated hwp',
             :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
             :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
             :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
             :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
-        end.should change(HardwareProfile, :count).by(1)
-        HardwareProfile.find_by_name('test').should_not be_nil
-        response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
-      end
+          HardwareProfile.find_by_name('updated hwp').should_not be_nil
+          response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
+        end
-      it "should be able to edit hardware profiles" do
-        hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
-        mock_warden(@admin)
-        put :update, :id => hardware_profile.id, :hardware_profile => {
-          :name => 'updated hwp',
-          :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
-          :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
-          :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
-          :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
-        }
-        HardwareProfile.find_by_name('updated hwp').should_not be_nil
-        response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
-      end
+        it "should be able to delete hardware profiles" do
+          hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
+          mock_warden(@admin)
-      it "should be able to delete hardware profiles" do
-        hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
-        mock_warden(@admin)
+          HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
+          delete :destroy, :id => hardware_profile.id
+          HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_false
+          response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
+        end
-        HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
-        delete :destroy, :id => hardware_profile.id
-        HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_false
-        response.should redirect_to(hardware_profiles_path)
-    end
+      context "Unauthorized user" do
+        before(:each) do
+          @user_permission = FactoryGirl.create :pool_user_permission
+          @user = @user_permission.user
+        end
-    context "Unauthorized user" do
-      before(:each) do
-        @user_permission = FactoryGirl.create :pool_user_permission
-        @user = @user_permission.user
-      end
+        it "should not list hw profiles which I'm not allowed to see" do
+          hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
+          mock_warden(@user)
+          @request.accept = "text/html"
+          get :index
+          response.should be_success
+          assigns[:hardware_profiles].find {|p| p.name == hardware_profile.name}.should be_nil
+          response.should render_template("index")
+        end
-      it "should not list hw profiles which I'm not allowed to see" do
-        hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
-        mock_warden(@user)
-        @request.accept = "text/html"
-        get :index
-        response.should be_success
-        assigns[:hardware_profiles].find {|p| p.name == hardware_profile.name}.should be_nil
-        response.should render_template("index")
-      end
+        it "should not be able to create hardware profiles" do
+          mock_warden(@user)
+          lambda do
+            post :create, :commit => 'Save', :hardware_profile => {
+              :name => 'test',
+              :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
+              :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
+              :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
+              :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
+            }
+          end.should_not change(HardwareProfile, :count)
+          HardwareProfile.find_by_name('test').should be_nil
+          response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+        end
-      it "should not be able to create hardware profiles" do
-        mock_warden(@user)
-        lambda do
-          post :create, :commit => 'Save', :hardware_profile => {
-            :name => 'test',
+        it "should not be able to edit hardware profiles" do
+          hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
+          mock_warden(@user)
+          put :update, :id => hardware_profile.id, :hardware_profile => {
+            :name => 'updated hwp',
             :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
             :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
             :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
             :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
-        end.should_not change(HardwareProfile, :count)
-        HardwareProfile.find_by_name('test').should be_nil
-        response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+          HardwareProfile.find_by_name('updated hwp').should be_nil
+          response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+        end
+        it "should not be able to delete hardware profiles" do
+          hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
+          mock_warden(@user)
+          HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
+          delete :destroy, :id => hardware_profile.id
+          HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
+          response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+        end
-      it "should not be able to edit hardware profiles" do
-        hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
-        mock_warden(@user)
-        put :update, :id => hardware_profile.id, :hardware_profile => {
-          :name => 'updated hwp',
-          :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
-          :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
-          :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
-          :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
-        }
-        HardwareProfile.find_by_name('updated hwp').should be_nil
-        response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+    end
+  end
+  context "API" do
+    context "when requesting XML" do
+      before(:each) do
+        accept_xml
+      context "when using admin credentials" do
+        before(:each) do
+           @admin_permission = FactoryGirl.create :admin_permission
+           @admin = @admin_permission.user
+           mock_warden(@admin)
+        end
+        describe "#show" do
+          context "when requested hardware profile exists" do
+            before(:each) do
+              get :show, :id => 1
+            end
+            it_behaves_like "http OK"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
-      it "should not be able to delete hardware profiles" do
-        hardware_profile = Factory.create :hardware_profile
-        mock_warden(@user)
+            context "XML body" do
+              # TODO: implement more attributes checks
+              subject { Nokogiri::XML(response.body) }
+              it {
+                subject.xpath("//hardware_profile[@id]").text.should be_eql(1.to_s)
+              }
-        HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
-        delete :destroy, :id => hardware_profile.id
-        HardwareProfile.exists?(hardware_profile.id).should be_true
-        response.should render_template('layouts/error')
+            end
+          end
+          context "when requested hardware profile does not exist" do
+            before(:each) do
+              h = HardwareProfile.find_by_id(7)
+              h.delete if h
+              get :show, :id => 7
+            end
+            it_behaves_like "http Not Found"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
+            context "XML body" do
+              subject { Nokogiri::XML(response.body) }
+              it {
+                subject.xpath('//error').size.should be_eql(1)
+                subject.xpath('//error/code').text.should be_eql('RecordNotFound')
+                subject.xpath('//error/message').text.should be_eql("Couldn't find HardwareProfile with ID=7")
+              }
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        describe "#create" do
+          before(:each) do
+            post :create, :commit => 'Save', :hardware_profile => {
+              :name => 'test',
+              :memory_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_memory),
+              :cpu_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_cpu),
+              :storage_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp1_storage),
+              :architecture_attributes => FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:mock_hwp2_memory),
+            }
+          end
+          context "with correct parameters" do
+            let(:hwp) { FactoryGirl.build(:hardware_profile) }
+            it_behaves_like "http OK"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
+          end
+          context "with incorrect parameters" do
+            let(:hwp) { FactoryGirl.build(:invalid_hwp) }
+            it_behaves_like "http Bad Request"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
+            context "XML body" do
+              subject { Nokogiri::XML(response.body) }
+              it "should have some errors" do
+                subject.xpath('//errors').size.should be_eql(1)
+                subject.xpath('//errors/error').size.should <= 1
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        describe "#destroy" do
+          let(:hwp) { Factory.create(:hardware_profile) }
+          context "existing hwp" do
+            before(:each) do
+              delete :destroy, :id => hwp.id
+            end
+            it_behaves_like "http OK"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
+            it { expect { hwp.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) }
+          end
+          context "non existing hwp" do
+            before(:each) do
+              hwp.delete
+              delete :destroy, :id => hwp.id
+            end
+            it_behaves_like "http Not Found"
+            it_behaves_like "responding with XML"
+            context "XML body" do
+              subject { Nokogiri::XML(response.body) }
+              it {
+                subject.xpath('//error').size.should be_eql(1)
+                subject.xpath('//error/code').text.should be_eql('RecordNotFound')
+                subject.xpath('//error/message').text.should be_eql("Couldn't find HardwareProfile with ID=#{hwp.id}")
+              }
+            end
+          end
+        end

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