Aeolus Presentations

Justin Clift jclift at
Mon Jul 16 12:58:03 UTC 2012

As per earlier email around Community Building Plan, let's
figure out where we should Aeolus Presentations, and how
we're going to do it.

The top Etherpad page for assembling info:

As initial thinking for presentations, this should include:

  * Conferences
  * Meetups (ie Amazon AWS ones)
  * online Aeolus demo's
  * <What else?>

Creating presentation materials

Mo suggested we create polished presentation materials anyone
in our Community can use.  There are existing (not polished?)
presentations around we could start from.

We need volunteers for the creation and polishing of these
presentation materials.  Anyone interested? :)

Location, Location, Location

We need to figure out the right places to present at.  Which
conferences, Meetups, and so on.

So, we'll need to assemble the list of potential places
(there are lots) and go from there.

Some kind people in Red Hat passed us two extensive lists
of potential conferences a while back, though it's a bit
dated.  The lists need to be merged, updated for 2012-2013,
and we can go from there.

It'll be a tedious cut-n-paste job, with a lot of looking
up stuff on the Net.  (ie "what's the 2012 dates for this
conference?  When does the call for papers open, and

Anyone up for this kind of thing?


We may also be able to piggyback onto conferences other
projects are attending. ie:

 * GlusterFS
 * OpenStack
 * JBoss
 * oVirt

We'll have to investigate the schedules for the above (ie oVirt
workshops), and figure it out from there.

Any volunteers here? :)


As Aeolus users could be anywhere on the planet, we better
have suitable people in the major areas.

Initial list of potential people.  (cut-n-pasted from an older

 * Australia
   * Dan Macpherson (Brisbane)
   * Possibly Mark Meierjohann, CC'd, (Red Hat Solution
     Architect) in Melb
   * Justin Clift (at a stretch, TZ is unpredictable :/)

 * China
   * Osier Yang (libvirt team) indicated general
     interest a while back, but isn't familiar
     with Aeolus at this point. Would need to be clued
     in first. ;)

 * EU
   * Francesco Vollero, Michal Fojtik, Tomas Sedovic (with some work?)
     * Definitely for technical audiences, unknown for business ones
   * Marios Andreou, in Cyprus
     * He's more Deltacloud, but that's still useful. :)

 * North America
   * US East
     * Mo Morsi for technical audience, general business audience
     * Chris Alfonso for technical and business audience
   * US West
     * David Lutterkort (Deltacloud)

 * Online demo's
   * Dan Macpherson is keen to help here
   * Alexandra Settle has experience with screencasts
   * Likely other people too. :)

Who else would like to be on the Presenters list in some form?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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