[PATCH conductor] BZ 788558 - allow terminate inaccessible instances on 'stop' action

Jim Meyering jim at meyering.net
Mon Feb 27 17:43:14 UTC 2012

Jan Provaznik wrote:
>>>>> +Given /^"([^"]*)" instance's provider is not accessible$/ do |arg1|
>>>>      Given /^"(.*?)" instance's provider is not accessible$/ do |arg1|
>>> Hi Jim, this is nice tip.
>>> Cucumber pregenerates current version (Given /^([^"]*)"" ...$/ do
>>> |arg1|) and prints it on stderr when it finds a test with missing step
>>> definition - so a user can just copy&paste this into step definition
>>> file. So this improvement could be ideally done on upper (cucumber)
>>> level.
>> Thanks, Jan.
>> I cloned upstream cucumber sources and wrote a partial patch,
>> (didn't yet make tests reflect the change) but when I try to run the
>> tests, I get this on Fedora 16:
>>    $ rake
>>    ...
>>    Could not find gem 'spork (>= 0.9.0.rc9)' in any of the gem sources\
>>    listed in your Gemfile
>> Sounds like I need to point Gemfile at dev. sources at least
>> for spork and capybara, but I don't know how to do that.
> You probably don't have spork gem installed - easiest way is to run
> bundle install' in cucumber dir (where you run 'rake' cmd) - this will
> install all missing dependencies, or run 'gem install spork' which
> installs 'spork' gem but none of others deps, so you would have to run
> gem isntall ...' repeatedly for each dependency.

Thanks!  That did it.
With that, I adjusted/checked the tests, too.
and sent my first cucumber pull request:


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