[PATCH aeolus-configure] BZ #796797: Fix Role string for sql statement

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Mon Feb 27 17:31:58 UTC 2012


This does not address the larger issue that we _have_ a sql
statement here, will leave that to fix later.
 recipes/aeolus/manifests/conductor.pp |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/recipes/aeolus/manifests/conductor.pp b/recipes/aeolus/manifests/conductor.pp
index 27a3ca1..f06ae16 100644
--- a/recipes/aeolus/manifests/conductor.pp
+++ b/recipes/aeolus/manifests/conductor.pp
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ define aeolus::conductor::site_admin($email="", $password="", $first_name="", $l
          environment => "RAILS_ENV=production",
          command     => "/usr/bin/rake dc:site_admin[${name}]",
          logoutput   => true,
-         unless      => "/usr/bin/test `psql conductor aeolus -P tuples_only -c \"select count(*) FROM roles INNER JOIN permissions ON (roles.id = permissions.role_id) INNER JOIN users ON (permissions.user_id = users.id) where roles.name = 'Administrator' AND users.login = '${name}';\"` = \"1\"",
+         unless      => "/usr/bin/test `psql conductor aeolus -P tuples_only -c \"select count(*) FROM roles INNER JOIN permissions ON (roles.id = permissions.role_id) INNER JOIN users ON (permissions.user_id = users.id) where roles.name = 'base.admin' AND users.login = '${name}';\"` = \"1\"",
          require     => Exec[create_site_admin_user]}

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