conductor html improvements

Andy Fitzsimon afitzsim at
Wed Feb 22 10:05:36 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I'll save it for tomorrow to do a proper writeup and finish the mockup 
but i've added some of the things i've been working on 
(with lots of help from Tomas) here.

I'll merge it into the conductor UI repo soon too

Basically this gives more power to the stylesheet and simplifies the html view structure and linking workflows hugely.
a very immature state of an example app is here. no it won't work in old browsers but now supporting them will be much much easier.
(sorry about the internal link)

Four things to think of about 

* any view can be activated or have any content from it inlined simply with a link.
* no stylistic classes to worry about remembering, functional classes only (e.g. .active not .tab or .left-120)  
* no bitmaps or images to maintain, slice or cringe at when scaled
* Eventually three http requests only (css,js,html) (which we could even inline to one)
* freakin tiny
* more control to css, less maintaining html.

initial thoughts ?

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