Factory Request : Set Time for Mock Builds

Martyn Taylor mtaylor at redhat.com
Mon Feb 20 12:20:07 UTC 2012


I am wondering if its possible to add a configurable time for mock 
builds/pushes in factory.  At the moment mock builds/push complete 
pretty much immediately, which makes it difficult to test when things 
are in "BUILDING", "PUSHING" state.  At the moment I am getting around 
this by using rhevm since this takes a fair while, it'd be much better 
though if I could control the build/push time using mock though.

How much effort would be involved in doing something like: adding a 
config file (a bit like what we have for rhevm and vsphere)?


And have some params like:

mock_build_time = 600
mock_push_time = 200

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