[PATCH conductor 0/2] #786844 - Reporting on deleted instances (v2)

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Wed Feb 15 14:49:59 UTC 2012

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 07:02:19AM -0500, Javier Pena wrote:
> If I understood this correctly, this means that in a scenario where we have a local RHEV-M deployment managed by Aeolus, and the RHEV-M server goes nuts for some time, what would happen is:
> 1. Aeolus would try to identify the state of the instances running on RHEV-M twice, failing both times.
> 2. After this failure, remove all instances from the DB
> Is this correct, or am I missing something obvious? 

Yes, unfortunately, that's exactly what would happen. We wait a couple
of times to try to guard against one-time problems, but if it persists,
that code will indeed remove all the instances from Conductor.

Is this sort of failure something that happens in the wild? If so, this
solution is probably not adequate.

-- Matt

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