[PATCH conductor 0/1] #788117 - Invalid message is displayed on login

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Feb 8 15:26:17 UTC 2012

On 07/02/12 16:53 -0500, Matt Wagner wrote:
>Hi all,
>This patch fixes an issue where, if you logged out and then back in, you would be taken to a page with an error that you had to be logged out to access the page.
>What was happening, as I discovered, is that the login page ("/login") was setting *itself* as session[:return_to] in that case, so, upon logging in, we redirected the user to /login. As I started to special-case this, I realized that ApplicationController's "require_user" method already does what we want (by way of store_location), and in a manner that isn't prone to this error. So the fix was just to delete the line that set this in UserSessionsController#new.
>When testing, please be sure to check for at least the following:
>1.) It fixes #788117 -- you can log in, log out, and log in again without receiving the error message in that BZ.
>2.) It does not re-introduce #782242. You should still be able to be logged out, attempt access a page that requires that the user be logged in, get redirected to the login page, and, upon successful login, get redirected to the page you tried to access.
>-- Matt

ACK, fixes current issue, and does not reintroduce previous issue.


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