[PATCH conductor] BZ 783510 clean up\add css to instance details page

jzigmund at redhat.com jzigmund at redhat.com
Mon Feb 6 15:37:59 UTC 2012

From: Jozef Zigmund <jzigmund at redhat.com>

 src/app/stylesheets/custom.scss               |   25 ++++++
 src/app/views/instances/_history.html.haml    |   18 ++--
 src/app/views/instances/_parameters.haml      |   24 +++--
 src/app/views/instances/_properties.html.haml |  113 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/config/locales/en.yml                     |   37 ++++----
 5 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/stylesheets/custom.scss b/src/app/stylesheets/custom.scss
index a5b8ff5..bcc5d90 100644
--- a/src/app/stylesheets/custom.scss
+++ b/src/app/stylesheets/custom.scss
@@ -235,3 +235,28 @@ form.generic section.services {
 #no-catalog-entry {
   margin-bottom: 30px;
+.instance_details {
+  h3{
+    font-size: 22px;
+    font-weight: normal;
+    margin-bottom: 10px;
+  }
+  ul li {
+    list-style-type: none;
+    margin: 10px 15px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    span {
+        font-weight: normal;
+    }
+  }
+  ol{
+    margin: 15px;
+    li {
+        margin:10px 15px;
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/views/instances/_history.html.haml b/src/app/views/instances/_history.html.haml
index 2facfc3..ee461e6 100644
--- a/src/app/views/instances/_history.html.haml
+++ b/src/app/views/instances/_history.html.haml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-  = t 'instances.history.history_for'
-  = @instance.name
-  - @events.each do |event|
-    %li
-      = @instance.name
-      = event.summary
+  %h3
+    = t 'instances.history.history_for'
+    = @instance.name
+  %ol
+    - @events.each do |event|
+      %li
+        = event.summary
-= will_paginate @events
+  = will_paginate @events
diff --git a/src/app/views/instances/_parameters.haml b/src/app/views/instances/_parameters.haml
index 92ffb28..7ed7d31 100644
--- a/src/app/views/instances/_parameters.haml
+++ b/src/app/views/instances/_parameters.haml
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-  = t 'instances.parameters.config_parameters_for'
-  = @instance.name
-  - @instance.instance_parameters.each do |parameter|
-    %li
-      = parameter.service
-      = parameter.name
-      = parameter.type
-      = parameter.value
+  %h3
+    = t 'instances.parameters.config_parameters_for'
+    = @instance.name
+  %ul
+    - if @instance.instance_parameters.empty?
+      %li= t("instances.parameters.none")
+    - else
+      - @instance.instance_parameters.each do |parameter|
+        %li
+          = parameter.service
+          = parameter.name
+          = parameter.type
+          = parameter.value
diff --git a/src/app/views/instances/_properties.html.haml b/src/app/views/instances/_properties.html.haml
index 3561cd4..8b0951b 100644
--- a/src/app/views/instances/_properties.html.haml
+++ b/src/app/views/instances/_properties.html.haml
@@ -1,57 +1,56 @@
-  = t 'instances.properties.properties_for'
-  = @instance.name
-  %li
-    = label_tag :name, t('instances.properties.name')
-    %span= @instance.name
-  %li
-    = label_tag :status, t('instances.properties.status')
-    %span= @instance.state
-  %li
-    = label_tag :public_addresses, t('instances.properties.public_addresses')
-    %span= @instance.public_addresses
-  %li
-    = label_tag :private_addresses, t('instances.properties.private_adresses')
-    %span= @instance.private_addresses
-    = label_tag :assembly, t('instances.properties.assembly')
-    %span= @instance.assembly_xml.name
-  %li
-    = label_tag :provider, t('instances.properties.provider')
-    %span= @instance.provider_account.provider.name if @instance.provider_account
-  %li
-    = label_tag :architecture, t('instances.properties.architecture')
-    %span= @instance.hardware_profile.architecture.value
-  %li
-    = label_tag :memory, t('instances.properties.memory')
-    %span= @instance.hardware_profile.memory.value
-  %li
-    = label_tag :storage, t('instances.properties.storage')
-    %span= @instance.hardware_profile.storage.value
-  %li
-    = label_tag :instantiation_time, t('instances.properties.instantiation_time')
-    %span= @instance.created_at.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
-  %li
-    = label_tag :current_alerts, t('instances.properties.current_alerts')
-    %span= 0
-    = label_tag :console_connection, t('instances.properties.console_connection')
-    %span= t('instances.properties.via_ssh')
-  - if @instance.instance_key
-    %li
-      = label_tag :instance_key, t('instances.properties.ssh_key')
-      %span= link_to t('instances.properties.download'), key_instance_path(@instance), :id =>'download_ssh_key'
-    %li
-      = label_tag :instance_key_name, t('instances.properties.ssh_key_name')
-      = @instance.instance_key.name
-  %li
-    = label_tag :owner, t('instances.properties.owner')
-    %span= "#{@instance.owner.first_name} #{@instance.owner.last_name}"
-  %li
-    = label_tag :shared_to, t('instances.properties.shared_to')
-    %span= t('instances.properties.n_a')
-  - if @instance.state == Instance::STATE_ERROR
-    %li
-      = label_tag :error, t('instances.properties.error')
-      %span= @instance.last_error
-  %li
-  %li
+  %h3
+    = t 'instances.properties.properties_for'
+    = @instance.name
+  %ul
+    %li
+      = label_tag :name, t('instances.properties.name')
+      %span= @instance.name
+    %li
+      = label_tag :status, t('instances.properties.status')
+      %span= @instance.state
+    %li
+      = label_tag :public_addresses, t('instances.properties.public_addresses')
+      %span= @instance.public_addresses
+    %li
+      = label_tag :private_addresses, t('instances.properties.private_adresses')
+      %span= @instance.private_addresses
+      = label_tag :assembly, t('instances.properties.assembly')
+      %span= @instance.assembly_xml.name
+    %li
+      = label_tag :provider, t('instances.properties.provider')
+      %span= @instance.provider_account.provider.name if @instance.provider_account
+    %li
+      = label_tag :architecture, t('instances.properties.architecture')
+      %span= @instance.hardware_profile.architecture.value
+    %li
+      = label_tag :memory, t('instances.properties.memory')
+      %span= @instance.hardware_profile.memory.value
+    %li
+      = label_tag :storage, t('instances.properties.storage')
+      %span= @instance.hardware_profile.storage.value
+    %li
+      = label_tag :instantiation_time, t('instances.properties.instantiation_time')
+      %span= @instance.created_at.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
+    %li
+      = label_tag :current_alerts, t('instances.properties.current_alerts')
+      %span= 0
+      = label_tag :console_connection, t('instances.properties.console_connection')
+      %span= t('instances.properties.via_ssh')
+    - if @instance.instance_key
+      %li
+        = label_tag :instance_key, t('instances.properties.ssh_key')
+        %span= link_to t('instances.properties.download'), key_instance_path(@instance), :id =>'download_ssh_key'
+      %li
+        = label_tag :instance_key_name, t('instances.properties.ssh_key_name')
+        = @instance.instance_key.name
+    %li
+      = label_tag :owner, t('instances.properties.owner')
+      %span= "#{@instance.owner.first_name} #{@instance.owner.last_name}"
+    %li
+      = label_tag :shared_to, t('instances.properties.shared_to')
+      %span= t('instances.properties.n_a')
+    - if @instance.state == Instance::STATE_ERROR
+      %li
+        = label_tag :error, t('instances.properties.error')
+        %span= @instance.last_error
diff --git a/src/config/locales/en.yml b/src/config/locales/en.yml
index d2b67da..04f990e 100644
--- a/src/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/src/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -309,32 +309,33 @@ en:
       edit_instance: Edit instance
       name: Name
-       history_for: History for
+       history_for: "History for: "
        config_parameters_for: Config Parameters for
+       none: None
      permissions_for: Permissions for
       properties_for: Properties for
-      name: Name
-      status: Status
-      public_addresses: Public Addresses
-      private_adresses: Private Addresses
-      assembly: Assembly
-      provider: Provider
-      architecture: Architecture
-      memory: Memory
-      storage: Storage
-      instantiation_time: Instantiation Time
-      current_alerts: Current Alerts
-      console_connection: Console Connection
+      name: "Name:"
+      status: "Status: "
+      public_addresses: "Public Addresses: "
+      private_adresses: "Private Addresses: "
+      assembly: "Assembly: "
+      provider: "Provider: "
+      architecture: "Architecture: "
+      memory: "Memory: "
+      storage: "Storage: "
+      instantiation_time: "Instantiation Time: "
+      current_alerts: "Current Alerts: "
+      console_connection: "Console Connection: "
       via_ssh: via SSH
-      ssh_key: SSH key
-      ssh_key_name: SSH key name
+      ssh_key: "SSH key: "
+      ssh_key_name: "SSH key name: "
       download: Download
-      owner: Owner
-      shared_to: Shared to
-      error: Error
+      owner: "Owner: "
+      shared_to: "Shared to: "
+      error: "Error: "
       n_a: "N/A"

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