BZ 717987 - realms refreshing

jprovazn at jprovazn at
Fri Feb 3 15:10:01 UTC 2012

this patchset adds autoupdating of realms (done by dbomatic) which we need for
2 reasons: 1) realms availability changes in time, 2) realms visibility for a provider
account changes in time (theoretically).

This patchset adds 'available' flag to Provider and Ream models.
When doing realms refresh:
- if a provider is not accessible, pthe provider is marked as unavailable
- if a provider account of a provider (which is accessible) is not accessible,
all realms associated with this account are removed
- available status is updated for any existing realm

What is not part of this patchset is displaying of this 'availability' status in UI
(which we should probably display).

Till now, realms updating was triggered when accessing realms mapping page, I removed
this call - update is quite slow operation and dbomatic handles this now.


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