[PATCH 0/2] Fix dpes to push to rubygems.org

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 21:12:36 UTC 2012

In building these gems today and attempting to install them on a clean 
client system (via rvm), I realize we were missing deps for activeresource
on both gems.  We may want to explicitly add it to the spec files too,
but that is a decision we can make later/separately, imo, as we already
get that in current rpm installs via the rails dep.  Alos, for standard 
conductor development via bundle install, the correct deps are already in 
our .lock file, so this cover strcitly an install of these 2 gems stand-alone.
Admittedly, you would probably not be using aeolus-image standalone, but
this covers things a bit better, I think.

If you want to test that these gems install properly via rvm, simply:
* rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p352 (or 357 if you prefer)
* rvm gemset create aeolus
* rvm gemset use aeolus
* 'rake gem' for each of the 2 gems
* gem install <gemfile> (the land in pkg dir of each project, 0.4.0 for each)

I'll hold off pushing these to rubygems.org until tomorrow so somebody can
verfiy this works as expected (wfm).

Note that this is critical for upstream development, as it enables bundle install
to work correctly, especially once my in-progress bundler changes land.


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