[PATCH conductor] Image building compatible with ActiveResource 3.2

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Tue Aug 21 14:38:57 UTC 2012

On 21/08/12 16:23 +0200, Jiří Stránský wrote:
>On 21.8.2012 15:35, Jason Guiditta wrote:
>>As aeolus-image will no longer be used once the rails
>>engine/factory/v2 integration are done, I think keeping it isolated in
>>that gem makes the most sense.  You will have to make a smaller
>>number of changes to the code when compared to catching every instance
>>where conductor uses it, so it just feels like a more effective
>>approach to me.  If we were to keep this gem for some reason, I don't
>>see any reason the version check could not be removed in the future.
>>If we wanted to do that, we could just return a sensible error that
>>showed the proper api call, or better yet, just alias the method call
>>and allow either version to instantiate it (provided this doesn't
>>cause some security problem).  However, I don't expect we will have to
>>do this, as all the ARes stuff is currently built into the new engine.
>>Even if we split it out, I think it will probably end up as a new gem
>>rather than an update to the current one.
>Not sure if we understood each other here :)
>I'm ok with making the change on the aeolus-image side, I just don't want to make it a mixin. I want to change ...::Factory::Base#initialize directly. My "what do you think" question was related to the issue of making a mixin vs. modifying directly.
I have no problem with that, mixin idea was more thinking it would be
used for both factory and iwhd, which I didnt recall does not use ARes
(yay for this going away soon...)

>The version check can be definitely removed, but the code that will make Conductor work when using ActiveResource 3.1 (and higher) can't be removed unless you change the way Conductor calls aeolus-image methods. So that's why I don't want to make it a mixin, the ActiveResource 3.1+ code will have to stay there even if we remove the version check.
Well, Conductor _will_ change in it's interaction with ARes, as all
those call will be encapsulated in the new engine, so any other
conductor controllers will only be calling local models, which will in
turn make any factory updates that are needed. The net is, go for what
you described, and we will be ditching 3.0.x support in the next major
release anyway.


>Sorry for not being clearer in my last mail.
>I'm gonna submit another patch and we'll see if we agree on it :)

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