RFC: Notification system

Jaromír Coufal jcoufal at redhat.com
Tue Aug 14 14:45:10 UTC 2012

> I don't have any objection, but I find myself wondering if approval
> requests belong in the same place as notifications or not. They probably
> do and I'm just slow to wrap my mind around it.
As I see it now, it doesn't have to necessarily be only approvals, but 
in general they are questions which need my (user's) attention.

But I might have been wrong. The best way how to figure it out is from 
some use-cases.  I was just thinking what information user needs to 
notified about (what happened in the system)? And regarding types I 
found these three groups:
    "!" - something went wrong (typically errors)
    "." - something happened and doesn't need my full attention (usually 
success or some neutral action)
    "?" - something can't continue without my interaction/decision 
(usually approval)

Do you find any other cases?

> I kind of like the way Facebook does this, where notifications stick
> around in the list but are no longer bold / called out in a number.
Yes, this is the way I like too - highlighting new notifications and old 
one still keep in list. Seeing notification dismisses it (except the 
ones which need my interaction, for these an answer dismisses them).

> Speaking of which: http://tommoor.github.com/tinycon/ is nifty.
This looks cool and handy, thanks for bringing it out! :)

-- Jarda

Jaromír Coufal

Interaction Designer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.

Mobile: +420 724 595 508
E-mail: jcoufal at redhat.com
IRC: jcoufal at #cloudforms-ui, #aeolus, #brno

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