#3623 - Notification of non-launches, unauthorized launches

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Tue Aug 7 18:06:41 UTC 2012

On 08/08/2012, at 2:37 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> Second, I'm having a hard time even finding a way to intentionally cause
> a launch failure. For the most part, if it's something not on the cloud
> provider itself, we seem to detect it and disable the Launch button.
> Is there any obvious use case I'm overlooking?
> For failures that _are_ on the cloud provider, those will already show
> up in our "Alerts" section, which lists failed instances.

For me, launch failures happen frequently from two things:

 * doing something weird to the image on the cloud side
   (ie renaming the template there, on purpose, to cause failure)

 * anything unhappy in Audrey.  For example, providing a URL to
   a script which doesn't exist, or is through a http 302 redirect.
   (audrey doesn't do redirects yet)

From your description above, the first sounds like it's handed by
Alerts.  The second sounds like it might not be though.

If you want to try that out, grab the WordPress example file here:


But break the URL in this line, so the script can't be found.

  <executable url="https://raw.github.com/aeolusproject/audrey/master/examples/wordpress/wordpress-http.sh"/>

Launching the deployable will bomb.

Hope that's useful. :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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