Using pull requests on Aeolus

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Tue Aug 7 13:47:39 UTC 2012

On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 09:25:21AM -0400, Jason Guiditta wrote:
> I am a cautious +1 on this as well.  I still have some reservations
> (like the crappy comment threading/notifications on github), but this
> is almost exactly what I was trying to propose on irc a little while
> back (albeit with less positive feedback, probably because I am mean).

Yeah, I was actually playing with the inline commenting the other day,
and it's not really ideal. It's passable, and will probably work fine if
you just had a note or two to mention inline.

> I personally prefer to have the patch review on a mailing list, as I
> think it is easier to see context, and has generally higher
> visibility, but I realize at the same time that a lot of others love
> the clicky ui of github, and it would be a shame to exclude potential
> new contributors because we didn't accept pull requests.  Lastly, I
> think if we do this, anyone who is using them should assign themselves
> (not to their own, to be clear, had trouble wording this) or another
> team member as the reviewer to make it obvious if a patch
> if being looked at.  This is actually the primary useful point of pull
> requests to me, so I hope it will be used.  We have long complained
> that it was hard to know if patches were under review, but that will
> not be the case if we assign reviewers this way.

Yes, strong +1 to this. The ability to see a list of patches and know
which ones are under review is one of the primary reasons I wanted to
explore this.

> PS - yes, I know there is a gem for doing cli interaction with github,
> and I will be trying it, but the setup for reviewing patches doesn't
> seem great to me.

I had the devil of a time getting it to work at all. It wants an API
token, which GitHub doesn't do anymore now that their app only does
OAuth. I might just need to find a newer version, but I didn't have the
energy to extensively debug it the other day. But I've heard lots of
people rave about it, which has me thinking that it must just be me
doing something wrong.

-- Matt

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