RFC Feature Planning: Permissions Denormalization

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Apr 4 17:31:46 UTC 2012

On 30/03/12 09:37 -0400, Scott Seago wrote:
>Rather than paste in the entire text, I'm just linking to the wiki 
>writeup. Please read the whole thing first and if you want to comment 
>on anything specific, quote it and comment on this thread.

you say in that page:
'As for UI, we won't need any get/set UI, although it might be useful
to make the permissions UI "swappable" -- i.e. a toggle to switch
between direct grants (that you can add/remove) and derived grants (so
you can see in one place everyone that has access to the resource).'

What about api? Is there any expectation of needing to allow a user
to manipulate any of this, or would it all be exposed in some other
way? I suspect no, as this looks to be all done behind the scenes,
just curious.

I don't see mention of any of the *_image family of objects, but they
would be included in this, as they will reside in conductor db now,

Aside from those minor clarification points, this looks like a good
improvement to the perms structure.


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