Website Cabal Minutes, Nov. 15th 2012

Tzu-Mainn Chen tzumainn at
Thu Nov 15 16:28:35 UTC 2012

November 15th


Andy Fitzsimon
Francesco Vollero
Jiri Stransky
Matt Wagner
Mo Morsi
Tzu-Mainn Chen

- Matt Wagner elected as Awesome
- Agreed to Thursday, 14:30 GMT as permanent meeting time
   - Will meet on Tuesday next week, due to Thanksgiving

- We will use github issues for tracking items
   - Matt will enter initial items
   - any unclaimed items will be discussed during the next meeting

- Website Cabal will help maintain etherpad and other communal web-based resources
   - make sure that this information is documented and organized
   - Matt will send out this information

- Blog posts - is getting people to write them the responsibility of Website or Publicity Cabal?
   - Open question for now, will be brought up at the Publicity Cabal

- News and Blog
   - Using blog for news makes sense
   - Also want changelog for product version changes
   - Release notes
   - aggregate git commits, or commit statistics

- Wiki is currently Conductor only
   - wikis are moving to github
   - maybe eventually make website wiki page a static page with links to project wikis

- Need to increase visibility of other projects, not just Conductor
   - Github issue will be created to track this
   - Andy and Dan to work on initial proposal for website changes to support this

- Should we use aeolus incubator as staging version of website?
   - can just fork github and use github pages

- Mo's patchset discussion
  - request to break it up into individual patches
  - revised project page seems fine, also replaces About page
  - combining get it/use it into install makes sense
  - other items require further discussion

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